@article{fdi:010063221, title = {{R}ecent climatic trends in the tropical {A}tlantic}, author = {{S}ervain, {J}acques and {C}aniaux, {G}. and {K}ouadio, {Y}.{K}. and {M}c{P}haden, {M}.{J}. and {A}raujo, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} homogeneous monthly data set of sea surface temperature ({SST}) and pseudo wind stress based on in situ observations is used to investigate the climatic trends over the tropical {A}tlantic during the last five decades (1964–2012). {A}fter a decrease of {SST} by about 1 °{C} during 1964–1975, most apparent in the northern tropical region, the entire tropical basin warmed up. {T}hat warming was the most substantial (>1 °{C}) in the eastern tropical ocean and in the longitudinal band of the intertropical convergence zone. {S}urprisingly, the trade wind system also strengthened over the peirod 1964–2012. {C}omplementary information extracted from other observational data sources confirms the simultaneity of {SST} warming and the strengthening of the surface winds. {E}xamining data sets of surface heat flux during the last few decades for the same region, we find that the {SST} warming was not a consequence of atmospheric heat flux forcing. {C}onversely, we suggest that long-term {SST} warming drives changes in atmosphere parameters at the sea surface, most notably an increase in latent heat flux, and that an acceleration of the hydrological cycle induces a strengthening of the trade winds and an acceleration of the {H}adley circulation. {T}hese trends are also accompanied by rising sea levels and upper ocean heat content over similar multi-decadal time scales in the tropical {A}tlantic. {T}hough more work is needed to fully understand these long term trends, especially what happens from the mid-1970’s, it is likely that changes in ocean circulation involving some combination of the {A}tlantic meridional overtuning circulation and the subtropical cells are required to explain the observations.}, keywords = {{CLIMAT} ; {INTERACTION} {OCEAN} {ATMOSPHERE} ; {TEMPERATURE} {DE} {SURFACE} ; {VENT} ; {FORCING} ; {FLUX} {THERMIQUE} ; {ANOMALIE} {DE} {TEMPERATURE} ; {NIVEAU} {MARIN} ; {CIRCULATION} {OCEANIQUE} ; {VARIATION} {PLURIANNUELLE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {{T}ropical {A}tlantic variability and climate}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {43}, numero = {11}, pages = {3071--3089}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-014-2168-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063221}, }