@article{fdi:010062946, title = {{Z}onal structure and seasonal variability of the {A}tlantic {E}quatorial {U}ndercurrent}, author = {{J}ohns, {W}. {E}. and {B}randt, {P}. and {B}ourl{\`e}s, {B}ernard and {T}antet, {A}. and {P}apapostolou, {A}. and {H}ouk, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}imultaneous mooring arrays were maintained along the path of the {E}quatorial {U}ndercurrent ({EUC}) at three longitudes (23 degrees {W}, 10 degrees {W}, and 0 degrees {E}), from {O}ctober 2007 to {J}une 2011, as part of the {CLIVAR} {T}ropical {A}tlantic {C}limate {E}xperiment. {T}he measurements allow for the first time a description of the seasonal cycle and interannual variability of the {EUC} across the {A}tlantic basin. {T}he mean transport of the {EUC} at 23 degrees {W} is 14.3 +/- 0.6 {S}v, decreasing to 12.1 +/- 0.9 and 9.4 +/- 0.6 {S}v at 10 degrees {W} and 0 degrees {E}, respectively. {T}he {EUC} shows a changing seasonal cycle across the basin: at 23 degrees {W}, the strongest {EUC} transport occurs in boreal fall in association with maximum easterly wind stress, at 10 degrees {W} the {EUC} transport shows a semiannual cycle with a maximum in boreal spring and fall, while at 0 degrees {E} the {EUC} has a single spring maximum. {A}t all locations the {EUC} core exhibits a similar seasonal vertical migration, with shallowest core depths occurring in boreal spring and deepest core depths in boreal fall. {T}he maximum core intensity occurs in boreal spring all across the basin, when the {EUC} is shallow, during the annual wind relaxation. {T}he weakest {EUC} core intensity occurs during the boreal summer cold tongue phase, especially in the eastern part of the basin. {A}t both 23 degrees {W} and 10 degrees {W}, a deep extension of the {EUC} occurs in boreal summer, which increases the transport in the lower thermocline and partially offsets the weaker upper {EUC} transport during boreal summer. {N}o clear linkage could be established between the interannual variability of the {EUC} in the eastern part of the basin and the intensity of the summer cold tongue, despite evidence for such a linkage in the western part of the basin.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} ; {ZONE} {EQUATORIALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {43}, numero = {11}, pages = {3047--3069}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-014-2136-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062946}, }