@article{fdi:010062763, title = {{R}estructuring innovation systems in {I}ndia through migration}, author = {{K}hadria, {B}. and {M}eyer, {J}ean-{B}aptiste}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he paper discusses the role of migration in shaping the innovation systems in affected countries. {T}he first section would clarify how the stereotypical benefits of high skill migration are nullified by three dynamic conflicts of interest between the source and the destination countries viz. age, wage and vintage. {I}t would also argue that the relationship between diaspora knowledge networks and development in the home countries is a complex one. {T}he second section would explain the divergence in stakes in the restructuring of the innovation systems between the developed destination countries and the developing origin countries. {T}he formulation of the {N}ational {I}nnovation {S}ystem ({NIS}), introduced by {F}reeman (1987, {T}echnology policy and economic performance – lessons from {J}apan. {L}ondon: {P}inter; 1995, {T}he ‘{N}ational {S}ystem of {I}nnovation’ in {H}istorical {P}erspective. {C}ambridge {J}ournal of {E}conomics, 19, 5–24), seems to contextualize these divergences due to restructuring of technology transferred by the migrants. {I}t has been argued that differences in {NIS} are important explanations of uneven development patterns worldwide. {T}he transfer of technology and innovations has never been easy. {T}ypically, high levels of skill and technical competence are needed in the recipient country. {T}he innovation process surely comprises an area of economic behaviour in which uncertainty and complexity are absolutely central characteristics of the environment; empirical approaches to the problem must, therefore, take far greater cognizance of the processes that underlie the output of innovation. {T}he third section would talk about the changing scenario of global redistribution of the {S}&{T} capacities, where, in comparison to the earlier dominance of the traditional triads of {N}orth {A}merica, {W}estern {E}urope and {J}apan, countries like {C}hina, {A}ustralia, {B}razil and {I}ndia are emerging as significant attractors of brains i.e. of scholars and students. {T}he fourth section would discuss the mutuality of benefits derived by both the sides through scholar mobility. {T}he fifth section would analyse the example of development of the {I}ndian {IT} industry and its linkages with the dynamics in {N}orth {A}merica through non-resident {I}ndians and would shed light on how the highly skilled expatriate networks connect dispersed human resources in {S}&{T} with their countries of origin and generate a significant impact on innovation processes back home. {T}he role of migration in restructuring innovation systems in origin and/or destination countries thus has debatable twists! {B}ut, because there are always two sides of the coin, it depends upon how one tosses it, to get to see the side one wants up – both sides vying for ‘heads {I} win, tails you lose’ outcome. {I}n other words, the debate requires a balanced perspective for arriving at a win–win situation, which can be brought about through equitable adversary analysis.}, keywords = {{INNOVATION} ; {MIGRATION} {INTERNATIONALE} ; {EXODE} {DES} {COMPETENCES} ; {MIGRATION} {TEMPORAIRE} ; {TRANSFERT} {DE} {TECHNOLOGIE} ; {COOPERATION} {INTERNATIONALE} ; {DIASPORA} ; {RECHERCHE} {SCIENTIFIQUE} ; {ETUDIANT} ; {FUITE} {DES} {CERVEAUX} ; {POLITIQUE} {MIGRATOIRE} ; {POLITIQUE} {DE} {LA} {SCIENCE} ; {MONDE} ; {INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}igration and {D}evelopment}, volume = {2}, numero = {2}, pages = {213--236}, ISSN = {2163-2324}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1080/21632324.2012.750817}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062763}, }