@article{fdi:010062658, title = {{RNA}seq analysis of cassava reveals similar plant responses upon infection with pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of {X}anthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis}, author = {{M}unoz-{B}odnar, {A}. and {P}erez-{Q}uintero, {A}. and {G}omez-{C}ano, {F}. and {G}il, {J}. and {M}ichelmore, {R}. and {B}ernal, {A}. and {S}zurek, {B}oris and {L}opez, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n {RNA}seq-based analysis of the cassava plants inoculated with {X}am allowed the identification of transcriptional upregulation of genes involved in jasmonate metabolism, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and putative targets for a {TALE}. {C}assava bacterial blight, a disease caused by the gram-negative bacterium {X}anthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis ({X}am), is a major limitation to cassava production worldwide and especially in developing countries. {T}he molecular mechanisms underlying cassava susceptibility to {X}am are currently unknown. {T}o identify host genes and pathways leading to plant susceptibility, we analyzed the transcriptomic responses occurring in cassava plants challenged with either the non-pathogenic {X}am strain {ORST}4, or strain {ORST}4({TALE}1 ({X}am) ) which is pathogenic due to the major virulence transcription activator like effector {TALE}1 ({X}am) . {B}oth strains triggered similar responses, i.e., induction of genes related to photosynthesis and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and repression of genes related to jasmonic acid signaling. {F}inally, to search for {TALE}1 ({X}am) virulence targets, we scanned the list of cassava genes induced upon inoculation of {ORST}4({TALE}1 ({X}am) ) for candidates harboring a predicted {TALE}1 ({X}am) effector binding element in their promoter. {A}mong the six genes identified as potential candidate targets of {TALE}1 ({X}am) a gene coding for a heat shock transcription factor stands out as the best candidate based on their induction in presence of {TALE}1 ({X}am) and contain a sequence putatively recognized by {TALE}1 ({X}am) .}, keywords = {{C}assava bacterial blight ; {RNA}seq ; {X}anthomonas ; {TALE}1({X}am) ; {RNA}seq ; {TALE}1({X}am) candidate virulence targets}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {C}ell {R}eports}, volume = {33}, numero = {11}, pages = {1901--1912}, ISSN = {0721-7714}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s00299-014-1667-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062658}, }