@article{fdi:010062424, title = {{I}bu volcano, a center of spectacular dacite dome growth and long-term continuous eruptive discharges}, author = {{S}aing, {U}. {B}. and {B}ani, {P}hilipson and {K}ristianto,}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}bu is one of the most isolated and least accessible volcanoes of {I}ndonesia, located on {H}almahera {I}sland, in the province of {M}aluku, {E}ast {I}ndonesia. {T}his volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in {I}ndonesia, but remains poorly studied. {S}ince its resuming activity in 1998, {I}bu has injected around 0.7 {T}g of {SO}2 into the atmosphere through 60-100 daily eruptive discharges. {T}his long-term eruptive activity is very well retraced by seismic signals that highlight the progressive dome growth and the supply of new magma into {I}bu reservoir. {T}he lava dome which is of dacite composition is developing at a rate of 3182 m(3) per day. {T}his decadal dome growth of {I}bu requires further attention and warrants monitoring as it is a hazard and risk concern.}, keywords = {{I}bu volcano ; {D}acite dome growth ; {C}ontinuous eruptive activity ; {S}ignificant source of {SO}2 ; {INDONESIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}olcanology and {G}eothermal {R}esearch}, volume = {282}, numero = {}, pages = {36--42}, ISSN = {0377-0273}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.06.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062424}, }