@article{fdi:010062392, title = {{S}ites under positive selection modulate the {RNA} silencing suppressor activity of rice yellow mottle virus movement protein {P}1}, author = {{S}{\'e}r{\'e}m{\'e}, {D}. and {L}acombe, {S}{\'e}verine and {K}onat{\'e}, {M}. and {B}angratz, {M}artine and {G}alzi, {A}gn{\`e}s and {F}argette, {D}enis and {T}raor{\'e}, {A}. {S}. and {K}onat{\'e}, {G}. and {B}rugidou, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{RNA} silencing is a eukaryotic mechanism for {RNA}-based gene regulation that plays an essential role in diverse biological processes, such as defence against viral infections. {T}he {P}1 of rice yellow mottle virus ({RYMV}) is a movement protein and displays {RNA} silencing suppression activity with variable efficiency, depending on the origin of the isolates. {I}n this study, the positive selection pressure acting on the {P}1 protein gene was assessed. {A} site-by-site analysis of the d({N})/d({S}) ratio was performed and 18 positively selected sites were identified. {F}our of these were mutated, and the ability to suppress {RNA} silencing was evaluated for the resulting mutants in a transient expression assay. {A}ll mutations affected quantitatively {RNA} silencing suppression, one caused a significant decrease in the activity and three significantly increased it. {T}his work demonstrates, for what is to the best of our knowledge the first time, that the {RYMV} gene encoding the {P}1 {RNA} silencing suppressor is under adaptive evolution.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eneral {V}irology}, volume = {95}, numero = {1}, pages = {213--218}, ISSN = {0022-1317}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1099/vir.0.057026-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062392}, }