@article{fdi:010062361, title = {{T}axonomy of {A}tlantic {C}entral {A}frican orchids 2. {A} second species of the rare genus {D}istylodon ({O}rchidaceae,{A}ngraecinae) collected in {C}ameroon}, author = {{D}roissart, {V}incent and {C}ribb, {P}. {J}. and {S}imo-{D}roissart, {M}. and {S}tevart, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}hile conducting field inventories in {S}outh {C}ameroon, we collected two specimens of a new species that we considered to belong to the genus {A}ngraecopsis. {A}fterwards, a careful examination of specimens housed at main herbaria, along with the nomenclatural types, allows us to place it in {D}isododon, a monotypic genus previously known from {E}ast {A}frica. {D}isglodon sonkeanum {D}roissart, {S}tevart & {P}.{J}.{C}ribb, sp. nov. was collected in the lowland coastal forest of {A}tlantic {C}entral {A}frica. {I}t is known from a single locality in the surroundings of the {C}ampo-{W}an {N}ational {P}ark. {T}he species differs from {D}. comptum, by its several-flowered inflorescences, longer leaves and spur, and shorter pedicel and ovary. {T}he species appears to be rare and is assessed as {C}ritically {E}ndangered [{CR} {B}2ab(iii)] according to {IUCN} {R}ed {L}ist {C}ategories and {C}riteria. {N}ew field investigations are required to attempt to find it in the low-elevation parts of the {C}ampo-{M}a'an {N}ational {P}ark in {C}ameroon.}, keywords = {{A}ngraecoid ; {C}ameroon ; {C}ampo-{M}a'an {N}ational {P}ark ; {IUCN} {R}ed {L}ist ; {C}ategories and {C}riteria ; new species ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytokeys}, volume = {36}, numero = {}, pages = {27--34}, ISSN = {1314-2011}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.3897/phytokeys.36.7225}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062361}, }