@article{fdi:010062273, title = {{S}ea-surface temperature reconstruction from trace elements variations of tropical coralline red algae}, author = {{D}arrenougue, {N}. and {D}e {D}eckker, {P}. and {E}ggins, {S}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e used laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ({LA}-{ICPMS}) to obtain highresolution variations of the {M}g/{C}a, {S}r/{C}a and {L}i/{C}a composition of free-living forms (i.e. rhodoliths) of the coralline red algal species {S}porolithon durum in order to test their potential to archive seawater temperature information. {A} monitoring experiment was conducted based on alizarin red {S} ({ARS}) staining of rhodoliths specimens collected in various locations across a similar to 1 km(2) rhodolith bed in the vicinity of {N}oumea, {N}ew {C}aledonia, where in situ temperature (1{ST}) variations were recorded for 22 months between {N}ovember 2009 and {A}ugust 2011. {A} >45-year comparison of {M}g and trace elements with seasurface temperature ({SST}) was established from the analysis of 5 different branches belonging to three of the largest (7.4-8.5 cm in diameter) rhodolith specimens observed at the site. {C}onsistent mean {M}g/{C}a, {S}r/{C}a and {L}i/{C}a concentrations and seasonal patterns are found for the rhodoliths' last living years (2009 2011) across 43 branches and for the full 1963-2008 period across the 5 branches. {A}verage elemental concentrations ({M}g/{C}a: 0.31 +/- 0.04 mol/mol; {S}r/{C}a: 3.5 +/- 0.4 mmol/mol and {L}i/{C}a: 0.08 +/- 0.02 mmol/ mol) fall within range of those found in the literature. {I}ndividual element variations show good reproducibility between records and {M}g/{C}a, {S}r/{C}a and {L}i/{C}a co-vary systematically. {C}ombined records of {M}g/ {C}a, {S}r/{C}a and {L}i/{C}a are highly correlated with the 1{ST} monthly pattern for the 2009-2011 period (0.82 < r < 0.91; p < 0.001) and with local variations of monthly {SST} for the 1963-2008 period (0.65 < r < 0.85; p < 0.001), with {M}g/{C}a systematically being the best fit to monthly seawater temperature variations. {I}nter-annual {M}g/{C}a anomalies show significant correlation with the {O}ceanic {N}ino {I}ndex ({ONI}), indicating that {S}. durum rhodoliths also have the capacity to record the regional climate pattern in the tropical {P}acific. {F}inally, consistent variations between the combined {M}g/{C}a record in {S}. durum rhodoliths and one {S}r/{C}a record of a {P}orites sp. coral from the same site, as well as a similar relationship with local {SST} at both monthly and interannual scales, suggest that {S}. durum rhodoliths have the potential to compare favourably with corals in terms of {SST} reconstruction.}, keywords = {{R}hodoliths ; {CCA} ; {S}porolithon durum ; {L}aser ablation ; {M}g/{C}a ; {S}r/{C}a ; {L}i/{C}a ; {A}lizarin red {S} ; {ENSO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, volume = {93}, numero = {}, pages = {34--46}, ISSN = {0277-3791}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.03.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062273}, }