@article{fdi:010062076, title = {{R}{\'e}sultats du projet {E}xtraflo sur la comparaison des m{\'e}thodes d'estimation des pluies extr{\^e}mes en {F}rance}, author = {{N}eppel, {L}. and {A}rnaud, {P}. and {B}orchi, {F}. and {C}arreau, {J}ulie and {G}aravaglia, {F}. and {L}ang, {M}. and {P}aquet, {E}. and {R}enard, {B}. and {S}oubeyroux, {J}. {M}. and {V}eysseire, {J}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}his paper focuses on a comparison of 3 families of extreme rainfall frequency analysis methods: 1) purely local approaches which consist in fitting a probability distribution function (pdf) to a sample of observed daily rainfall, 2) local-regional approaches where the sample of annual maxima daily rainfall at the target site is enlarged by rainfall observations in a surrounding homogeneous neighbourhood and 3) purely regional approaches for estimating the extreme rainfall pdf at an ungaged site. {F}or 2) and 3) the extreme rainfall pdf can be estimated either by frequency analysis based on the extreme value theory or from the simulations of the {F}rench stochastical rainfall model named {SHYREG}. {T}he comparison relies on a dataset of 1568 daily rainfall gages belonging to the {F}rench {W}eather {S}ervice ({M}eteo-{F}rance) or the {F}rench {E}lectricity {C}ompany ({EDF}) in the southern half of {F}rance. {A} comparison methodology and several comparison criteria have been defined to evaluate the bias and variances of the quantiles and the confidence intervals. {T}he main results are: 1) {A}t the local scale, the {G}eneral {P}areto {D}istribution fitted on a peak over threshold sample performs better that the {G}eneralized {E}xtreme {V}alue pdf fitted on max annual sample, 2) the exponential pdf is clearly unsuitable in {M}editerranean area, 3 the local approaches perform poorly compared to the local-regional and purely regional frequency analyses except for the {MEWP} weather pattern frequency analysis which is comparable to the local regional frequency analysis for non-{M}editerranean climate and when the calibration sample size exceeds 10 years, 4) the local regional frequency analysis and the {SHYREG} method performances are comparable, and 5) there is only a weak decrease in performances when using a purely regional frequency analysis instead of a local-regional frequency analysis.}, keywords = {extreme rainfall ; frequency analysis ; methods comparison ; regional ; approach ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ouille {B}lanche : {R}evue {I}nternationale de l'{E}au}, numero = {2}, pages = {14--19}, ISSN = {0018-6368}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1051/lhb/2014011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062076}, }