@article{fdi:010062073, title = {{I}mpact of iron limitation on primary production (dissolved and particulate) and secondary production in cultured {T}richodesmium sp}, author = {{R}ochelle {N}ewall, {E}mma and {R}idame, {C}. and {D}imier-{H}ugueney, {C}. and {L}'{H}elguen, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}iazotrophic cyanobacteria play an important role in biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen and, hence, in oceanic productivity in the tropical and subtropical regions of the ocean. {A}lthough many studies have examined the impact of iron ({F}e) limitation on particulate primary production and dinitrogen ({N}-2) fixation in the colonial cyanobacterium {T}richodesmium, none have looked at the impact of {F}e limitation on the percentage extracellular release ({PER}) and secondary production ({SP}) in {F}e-limited cultures of this cyanobacterium. {H}ere, we present the results of a series of culture experiments during which we examined the impact of 3 concentrations of dissolved iron ({DF}e) on total primary production ({TPP} = dissolved + particulate primary production, i.e. {DPP} + {PPP}), {PER} and on {SP}. {U}nder severe {F}e limitation (5 n{M} {DF}e), biomass, growth rates, {TPP} and {N}-2 fixation were strongly reduced, while {PER} increased relative to the rates ob served at the highest {F}e concentration. {M}oreover, reducing {F}e concentration induced an increase in the percentage of photosynthetically fixed {C} used for algal growth, while the percentage of {C} used to support algal respiration decreased. {R}educed {F}e concentrations also induced a decrease in {SP} and in the {SP}: {DPP} ratio, indicating that the efficiency of transfer of fixed carbon from autotrophic to heterotrophic processes is reduced. {T}his suggests that {F}e, either directly through influencing cellular processes or indirectly through influencing organic matter structure or nitrogen availability, is controlling {SP} and, thus, microbial carbon utilization. {T}hese results suggest that the amount of carbon entering into the microbial loop may be reduced under {F}e limitation, thus leading to an accumulation of dissolved organic carbon with potentially important impacts on microbial carbon cycling and, ultimately, on the biological carbon pump.}, keywords = {{F}e limitation ; {D}iazotrophic cyanobacteria ; {C}arbon cycling ; {D}issolved ; primary production ; {S}econdary production ; {B}ioavailability ; {DOC} ; {PER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {M}icrobial {E}cology}, volume = {72}, numero = {2}, pages = {143--153}, ISSN = {0948-3055}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.3354/ame01690}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062073}, }