@article{fdi:010062044, title = {{D}ome collapse mechanisms and block-and-ash flow emplacement dynamics inferred from deposit and impact mark analysis, {M}ono {C}raters, {CA}}, author = {{D}ennen, {R}. {L}. and {B}ursik, {M}. {I}. and {R}oche, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}haracteristics of the {P}anum block-and-ash flow ({BAF}) deposit, {M}ono {C}raters, {CA}, were analyzed to determine the mechanisms of collapse of the parent dome and dynamics of emplacement of the {BAF}. {G}ranulometry, componentry, and obsidian water content data were used to define distinct facies of the {P}anum {BAF} deposit. {T}hese suggest a sequential, three-stage collapse model for the ancestral dome of the {P}anum vent, with destabilization first of its cold, brittle outer margins and then of its hot, ductile interior to an estimated depth of similar to 260 m below the free-air surface. {I}mpact marks on clast faces that resulted from clast-to-clast interactions recorded details of the impacting mechanism. {W}e analyzed similar to 15,000 marks and report for the first time their size, shape, and sorting to infer the flow regime of the {BAF} during emplacement, to a distance of similar to.2.6 km from the vent. {C}last-to-dast interactions occurred over a broad spectrum from purely collisional (normal to clast faces) to purely frictional (clasts shearing in a unidirectional flow), and recorded a transition to a more frictional flow regime in distal reaches as the sliding head of the {BAF} decelerated and halted. {F}inally, we briefly differentiate a similar, but previously undescribed older deposit that predates the 1325-1350 {A}.{D}. {N}orth {M}ono eruptive episode.}, keywords = {{I}mpact marks ; {C}last interactions ; {G}ranular flow regime ; {B}lock-and-ash flow ; {L}ava dome collapse ; {M}ono {C}raters ; {ETATS} {UNIS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}olcanology and {G}eothermal {R}esearch}, volume = {276}, numero = {}, pages = {1--9}, ISSN = {0377-0273}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.02.016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062044}, }