@article{fdi:010062022, title = {{H}igh rates of infection with novel enterovirus variants in wild populations of mandrills and other old world monkey species}, author = {{V}an {N}guyen, {D}. and {H}arvala, {H}. and {N}gole, {E}. {M}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {W}oolhouse, {M}. {E}. {J}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {S}immonds, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}nteroviruses ({EV}s) are a genetically and antigenically diverse group of viruses infecting humans. {A} mostly distinct set of {EV} variants have additionally been documented to infect wild apes and several, primarily captive, {O}ld {W}orld monkey ({OWM}) species. {T}o investigate the prevalence and genetic characteristics of {EV}s infecting {OWM}s in the wild, fecal samples from mandrills ({M}andrillus sphinx) and other species collected in remote regions of southern {C}ameroon were screened for {EV} {RNA}. {R}emarkably high rates of {EV} positivity were detected in {M}. sphinx (100 of 102 screened), {C}ercocebus torquatus (7/7), and {C}ercopithecus cephus (2/4), with high viral loads indicative of active infection. {G}enetic characterization in {VP}4/{VP}2 and {VP}1 regions allowed {EV} variants to be assigned to simian species {H} ({EV}-{H}) and {EV}-{J} (including one or more new types), while seven matched simian {EV}-{B} variants, {SA}5 and {EV}110 (chimpanzee). {S}equences from the remaining 70 formed a new genetic group distinct in {VP}4/2 and {VP}1 region from all currently recognized human or simian {EV} species. {C}omplete genome sequences were obtained from three to determine their species assignment. {I}n common with {EV}-{J} and the {EV}-{A} {A}13 isolate, new group sequences were chimeric, being most closely related to {EV}-{A} in capsid genes and to {EV}-{B} in the nonstructural gene region. {F}urther recombination events created different groupings in 5' and 3' untranslated regions. {W}hile clearly a distinct {EV} group, the hybrid nature of new variants prevented their unambiguous classification as either members of a new species or as divergent members of {EV}-{A} using current {I}nternational {C}ommittee on {T}axonomy of {V}iruses ({ICTV}) assignment criteria.}, keywords = {{CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}irology}, volume = {88}, numero = {11}, pages = {5967--5976}, ISSN = {0022-538{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1128/jvi.00088-14}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062022}, }