@article{fdi:010061973, title = {{E}ffects of cropping systems, maize residues application and {N} fertilization on promiscuous soybean yields and diversity of native rhizobia in {C}entral {K}enya}, author = {{H}errmann, {L}. and {C}hotte, {J}ean-{L}uc and {T}huita, {M}. and {L}esueur, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}griculture intensification has resulted in severe soil nutrient depletion in {A}frica. {A}lternative agricultural practices have been promoted to reduce the use of expensive mineral fertilizers and to restore and sustain soil fertility. {T}he use of mineral fertilizer combined with organic inputs (such as crop residues) and different cropping systems (cereal-legume association or rotation) have been particularly promising. {I}mpacts of these agricultural practices on soil communities have been widely studied, yet little is known on the effect on more specific groups such as rhizobia. {A} field trial was set up in {C}huka ({K}enya) to assess the impact of different cropping systems (maize and soybean in intercropping, rotation or monocropping) combined with {N} fertilization and residues application on the genetic diversity of promiscuous soybean rhizobia during two seasons. {S}oybean yields were severely reduced by moisture stress and the association with maize compared to mono-legume and rotation systems. {N}odulation was generally low but was positively affected by residues application. {D}iversity of native rhizobia was very low ({S}hannon indices {H}' <0.8) across the experiment and was not affected by the treatments. {O}nly 5 {IGS} profiles were obtained after {RFLP} analysis and all isolated rhizobia were identified as {B}radyrhizobium elkanii. {T}he distribution of the different {IGS} groups within the experiment was more affected by season and residues application than by cropping system and nitrogen fertilizer application. {T}hese results suggest a limited population and a low diversity of indigenous rhizobia, and emphasize the need of alternative managements to increase and sustain soybean yields in {C}entral {K}enya.}, keywords = {{R}hizobia ; {P}romiscuous soybean ; {D}iversity ; {C}ropping systems ; {C}rop residues ; {N} fertilizer ; {KENYA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}edobiologia}, volume = {57}, numero = {2}, pages = {75--85}, ISSN = {0031-4056}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.pedobi.2013.12.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061973}, }