@article{fdi:010061920, title = {{S}argassum ({F}ucales, {P}haeophyceae) in {M}auritius and {R}eunion, western {I}ndian {O}cean : taxonomic revision and biogeography using hydrodynamic dispersal models}, author = {{M}attio, {L}. and {Z}ubia, {M}. and {L}oveday, {B}. and {C}rochelet, {E}. and {D}uong, {N}athalie and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {B}hagooli, {R}. and {B}olton, {J}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}auritius and {R}eunion are part of the {M}ascarene {I}slands situated in the southwestern {I}ndian {O}cean, c. 800 km east of {M}adagascar. {A} total of 44 different {S}argassum species and subspecific taxa was listed in the literature for these islands. {T}his was a remarkable number for such isolated and small islands, and was more than have been recorded from {M}adagascar or other {E}ast {A}frican countries. {T}he first aim of our study was to revise these species lists using newly collected specimens to provide a reliable and illustrated tool for the identification of the {M}auritian and {R}eunion {S}argassum. {O}n the basis of morphological and molecular analyses, a total of six taxa was identified as {S}. cymosum f. borbonicum, {S}. obovatum, {S}. pfeifferae (reinstated), {S}. polycystum, {S}. portierianum and {S}. robillardii (stat. nov.). {A} seventh taxon, {S}. scopula, was identified from a herbarium collection but not re-collected. {A}s a result of our taxonomic revision, we concluded that most of the species listed in the literature for both {M}auritius and {R}eunion were misidentifications or synonyms, and we proposed three new taxonomic synonyms. {T}he biogeography of the six {S}argassum taxa was further investigated using local and regional hydrodynamic dispersal models. {R}esults underlined the isolated position of the {M}ascarene {I}slands with (1) unlikely import of {S}argassum in present-day conditions, (2) likely dispersal/exchanges within the archipelago and (3) a two-pronged export of {S}argassum to the east coast of {M}adagascar and the {S}eychelles with a major stream northwestward and a weaker stream southwestward. {T}hese oceanic conditions had probably shaped the {S}argassum diversity of the {M}ascarene {I}slands and in particular explained the endemicity of {S}. cymosum f. borbonicum and restricted distribution of {S}. obovatum, {S}. pfeifferae, {S}. robillardii and {S}. scopula.}, keywords = {cox3 ; {D}rifting ; {I}ndian {O}cean ; {ITS}-2 r{RNA} ; {M}ascarene {I}slands ; mt23{S} r{RNA} ; {P}hylogeny ; rbc{LS} ; {R}egional modelling ; {ROMS} ; {S}eaweeds ; {MAURICE} ; {REUNION} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hycologia}, volume = {52}, numero = {6}, pages = {578--594}, ISSN = {0031-8884}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.2216/13-150.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061920}, }