@article{fdi:010061916, title = {{I}rrigation scheduling of a classical gravity network based on the {C}ovariance {M}atrix {A}daptation - {E}volutionary {S}trategy algorithm}, author = {{B}elaqziz, {S}. and {M}angiarotti, {S}ylvain and {L}e {P}age, {M}. and {K}habba, {S}. and {E}r-{R}aki, {S}. and {A}gouti, {T}. and {D}rapeau, {L}aurent and {K}harrou, {M}. {H}. and {E}l {A}dnani, {M}. and {J}arlan, {L}ionel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}rrigation scheduling is an important task that significantly influences water conservation and crop production. {F}or most gravity irrigation networks located in semi-arid areas, irrigation scheduling is based on available water regardless of crops water needs. {T}he objective of this study is to propose a new approach for optimizing irrigation scheduling taking into account crops water demand, based on the {C}ovariance {M}atrix {A}daptation - {E}volution {S}trategy ({CMA}-{ES}) evolutionary strategy algorithm. {T}he objective function, that must be minimized, of this optimization problem is defined as the sum of two terms. {T}he first term is the {I}rrigation {P}riority {I}ndex ({IPI}) which characterizes the degree of imbalance between water stress and irrigation timing of the plot. {T}he second one takes into account the various constraints that relate to canals capacity, tasks timing, geographical distances and canal flow rate variations. {T}he approach was applied to an agricultural sector located at 40 km from the city of {M}arrakech ({M}orocco). {O}ptimal schedule for the third irrigation, of the 2011-2012 agricultural season, is provided and the comparisons between schedules before and after optimization are made. {T}he obtained results demonstrate that such approach allows reducing the proportion of late irrigated plots (from 22% to 8%) and increasing the proportion of plots irrigated at an appropriate time (from 28% to 40%). {W}e conclude that this approach can be considered as an efficient tool for planning irrigation schedules by considering crops water needs.}, keywords = {{I}rrigation scheduling ; {E}volutionary algorithm ; {O}ptimization ; {G}ravity ; irrigation network ; {I}rrigation round ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omputers and {E}lectronics in {A}griculture}, volume = {102}, numero = {}, pages = {64--72}, ISSN = {0168-1699}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.compag.2014.01.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061916}, }