@article{fdi:010061873, title = {{M}orphological and histological impacts of the laurina mutation on fructification and seed characteristics in {C}offea arabica {L}.}, author = {{A}dler, {S}. and {V}erdeil, {J}. {L}. and {L}artaud, {M}. and {F}ock-{B}astide, {I}. and {J}o{\¨e}t, {T}hierry and {C}onejero, {G}. and {N}oirot, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he comparison between the cultivar {B}ourbon and its mutant, the {B}ourbon pointu, of {C}offea arabica led to five novel findings on fruit development and three main impacts of the mutation. {C}offea arabica '{L}aurina' ({B}ourbon pointu) is a natural mutant of {C}offea arabica '{B}ourbon'. {R}elative to the '{B}ourbon' cultivar, it is characterized by internode dwarfism, a {C}hristmas tree shape, and lower caffeine content. {T}he effects of the laurina mutation on fructification over time, the fruit structure and seed characteristics were studied here. {F}ruits of '{B}ourbon' and '{B}ourbon pointu' were monitored. {T}he trees were grown in the same plot and flowered on the same day. {H}arvesting was done every 2 weeks from the 6th to the 26th week after flowering. {H}istological observations were carried out using multiphoton and conventional microscopes. {T}he measurements concerned the fruit, parchment and seed. {F}ive novel findings on fructification development were obtained: (1) a sigmoid model and non-linear regression efficiently described the phenomenon; (2) a precise relationship was defined between the qualitative stages of fructification and quantitative observations, thus revealing key weeks in this process; (3) the parchment had a mesocarpic origin; (4) a meristematic zone was present close to the parchment; and (5) an endocarp with three cell layers was visible in young fruits. {T}hree effects of the laurina mutation were highlighted: (1) fruit growth ended 1 week earlier in '{B}ourbon', but without difference in fruit length. {I}n contrast, fruits were wider on average in '{B}ourbon'; (2) the parchment of narrow seeds in '{B}ourbon pointu' was thicker than in other '{B}ourbon pointu' and '{B}ourbon' seeds; and (3) the narrow seed frequency in '{B}ourbon pointu' depended on environmental conditions.}, keywords = {{L}aurina mutation ; {C}offea arabica ; {F}ruit development ; {P}archment ; {H}istological structure ; {REUNION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}rees : {S}tructure and {F}unction}, volume = {28}, numero = {2}, pages = {585--595}, ISSN = {0931-1890}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s00468-013-0974-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061873}, }