@article{fdi:010061496, title = {{R}egulation of galactomannan biosynthesis in coffee seeds}, author = {{J}o{\¨e}t, {T}hierry and {L}affargue, {A}ndr{\'e}ina and {S}almona, {J}. and {D}oulbeau, {S}ylvie and {D}escroix, {F}. and {B}ertrand, {B}. and {L}ashermes, {P}hilippe and {D}ussert, {S}t{\'e}phane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he seed of {C}offea arabica accumulates large amounts of cell wall storage polysaccharides ({CWSP}s) of the mannan family in the cell walls of the endosperm. {T}he variability induced by the growing environment and extensive pairwise correlation analysis with stringent significance thresholds was used to investigate transcripttranscript and transcriptmetabolite relationships among 26 sugar-related genes, and the amount of {CWSP}s and seven soluble low molecular weight carbohydrates in the developing coffee endosperm. {A} dense module of nine quantitatively co-expressed genes was detected at the mid-developmental stage when {CWSP}s accumulate. {T}his module included the five genes of the core galactomannan synthetic machinery, namely genes coding for the enzymes needed to assemble the mannan backbone (mannan synthase, {M}an{S}), and genes that introduce the galactosyl side chains (galactosyltransferase, {GMGT}), modulate the post-depositional degree of galactose substitution (-galactosidase), and produce the nucleotide sugar building blocks {GDP}-mannose and {UDP}-galactose (mannose-1{P} guanyltransferase and {UDP}-glucose 4-epimerase, respectively). {T}he amount of {CWSP}s stored in the endosperm at the onset of their accumulation was primarily and quantitatively modulated at the transcriptional level (i.e. positively correlated with the expression level of these key galactomannan biosynthetic genes). {T}his analysis also suggests a role for sorbitol and raffinose family oligosaccharides as transient auxiliary sources of building blocks for galactomannan synthesis. {F}inally, a microarray-based analysis of the developing seed transcriptome revealed that all genes of the core galactomannan synthesis machinery grouped in a single cluster of 209 co-expressed genes. {A}nalysis of the gene composition of this cluster revealed remarkable functional coherence and identified transcription factors that putatively control galactomannan biosynthesis in coffee.}, keywords = {{A}lbuminous seed ; co-expression network ; endosperm ; galactomannan ; regulon ; seed filling ; sugar metabolism}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {B}otany}, volume = {65}, numero = {1}, pages = {323--337}, ISSN = {0022-0957}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1093/jxb/ert380}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061496}, }