@article{fdi:010061482, title = {{G}eo-politics and freshwater fish introductions : how the {C}old {W}ar shaped {E}urope's fish allodiversity}, author = {{B}ritton, {J}. {R}. and {G}ozlan, {R}odolphe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ctivities that manipulate ecosystems to support economic activities provide major introduction pathways for non-native species. {A}s such, substantial differences in the socioeconomic conditions between countries could influence how ecosystems are manipulated and thus impact the composition of their communities of non-native species. {H}ere, we compared the influence of freshwater fish aquaculture production and macro-socioeconomic drivers on the freshwater fish allodiversity of {E}urope between 1970 and 2009. {A} divergence in the socio-economic conditions of {E}urope prevailed during much of the latter half of the 20th {C}entury as a result of the {C}old {W}ar. {F}or example, {GDP} and {GDP} per capita were significantly higher in {W}estern bloc countries compared to the {E}astern bloc. {I}n this 39 year period, aquaculture production in {E}astern bloc countries was dominated by {A}sian cyprinid fish whereas in {W}estern bloc countries it was dominated by the {N}orth {A}merican rainbow trout {O}ncorhynchus mykiss. {A}nalysis of a {E}uropean database on introduced fish into the wild from aquaculture revealed that in entirety, there were 279 separate freshwater fish introductions in {E}urope associated with aquaculture ({E}astern bloc 118, {W}estern bloc 161), involving 117 species from 32 families. {T}here was relatively low homogeneity in these introduced fishes between the two blocs; only 28 species were introduced into both. {W}estern bloc countries also had significantly more introduced fishes and more introduction events, and less similarity in the introduced fishes between their countries. {A}quaculture production was a significant predictor of the number of non-native freshwater fish across all the countries, although additional factors, especially human population size and {GDP} per capita, were also significant predictors. {T}hus, aquaculture has been a strong introduction pressure in {E}urope and provides a reliable predictor of fish allodiversity.}, keywords = {{GDP} ; {C}yprinidae ; {S}almonidae ; {E}astern bloc ; {W}estern bloc ; {C}old {W}ar ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal {E}nvironmental {C}hange : {H}uman and {P}olicy {D}imensions}, volume = {23}, numero = {6}, pages = {1566--1574}, ISSN = {0959-3780}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.09.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061482}, }