@article{fdi:010061157, title = {{G}enome mining reveals the genus {X}anthomonas to be a promising reservoir for new bioactive non-ribosomally synthesized peptides}, author = {{R}oyer, {M}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf and {M}arguerettaz, {M}. and {B}arbe, {V}. and {R}obin, {G}. {P}. and {B}rin, {C}. and {C}arrere, {S}. and {G}omez, {C}. and {H}ugelland, {M}. and {V}oller, {G}. {H}. and {N}oell, {J}. and {P}ieretti, {I}. and {R}ausch, {S}. and {V}erdier, {V}al{\'e}rie and {P}oussier, {S}. and {R}ott, {P}. and {S}ussmuth, {R}. {D}. and {C}ociancich, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {V}arious bacteria can use non-ribosomal peptide synthesis ({NRPS}) to produce peptides or other small molecules. {C}onserved features within the {NRPS} machinery allow the type, and sometimes even the structure, of the synthesized polypeptide to be predicted. {T}hus, bacterial genome mining via in silico analyses of {NRPS} genes offers an attractive opportunity to uncover new bioactive non-ribosomally synthesized peptides. {X}anthomonas is a large genus of {G}ram-negative bacteria that cause disease in hundreds of plant species. {T}o date, the only known small molecule synthesized by {NRPS} in this genus is albicidin produced by {X}anthomonas albilineans. {T}his study aims to estimate the biosynthetic potential of {X}anthomonas spp. by in silico analyses of {NRPS} genes with unknown function recently identified in the sequenced genomes of {X}. albilineans and related species of {X}anthomonas. {R}esults: {W}e performed in silico analyses of {NRPS} genes present in all published genome sequences of {X}anthomonas spp., as well as in unpublished draft genome sequences of {X}anthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strain {BAI}3 and {X}anthomonas spp. strain {X}a{S}3. {T}hese two latter strains, together with {X}. albilineans strain {GPE} {PC}73 and {X}. oryzae pv. oryzae strains {X}8-1{A} and {X}11-5{A}, possess novel {NRPS} gene clusters and share related {NRPS}-associated genes such as those required for the biosynthesis of non-proteinogenic amino acids or the secretion of peptides. {I}n silico prediction of peptide structures according to {NRPS} architecture suggests eight different peptides, each specific to its producing strain. {I}nterestingly, these eight peptides cannot be assigned to any known gene cluster or related to known compounds from natural product databases. {PCR} screening of a collection of 94 plant pathogenic bacteria indicates that these novel {NRPS} gene clusters are specific to the genus {X}anthomonas and are also present in {X}anthomonas translucens and {X}. oryzae pv. oryzicola. {F}urther genome mining revealed other novel {NRPS} genes specific to {X}. oryzae pv. oryzicola or {X}anthomonas sacchari. {C}onclusions: {T}his study revealed the significant potential of the genus {X}anthomonas to produce new non-ribosomally synthesized peptides. {I}nterestingly, this biosynthetic potential seems to be specific to strains of {X}anthomonas associated with monocotyledonous plants, suggesting a putative involvement of non-ribosomally synthesized peptides in plant-bacteria interactions.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}mc {G}enomics}, volume = {14}, numero = {}, pages = {658}, ISSN = {1471-2164}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1186/1471-2164-14-658}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061157}, }