@article{fdi:010060888, title = {{I}nfluence of the regional topography on the remote emplacement of hydrothermal systems with examples of {T}icsani and {U}binas volcanoes, {S}outhern {P}eru}, author = {{B}yrdina, {S}vetlana and {R}amos, {D}. and {V}andemeulebrouck, {J}. and {M}asias, {P}. and {R}evil, {A}. and {F}inizola, {A}. and {Z}uniga, {K}. {G}. and {C}ruz, {V}. and {A}ntayhua, {Y}. and {M}acedo, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}resent work studies the influence of the regional topography on the hydrothermal fluid flow pattern in the subsurface of a volcanic complex. {W}e discuss how the advective transfer of heat from a magmatic source is controlled by the regional topography for different values of the averaged permeability. {F}or this purpose, we use a 2-{D} numerical model of coupled mass and heat transport and new data sets acquired at {T}icsani and {U}binas, two andesitic volcanoes in {S}outhern {P}eru which have typical topography, justifying this approach. {A} remarkable feature of these hydrothermal systems is their remote position not centered on the top of the edifice. {I}t is evidenced by numerous hot springs located in more than 10 km distance from the top of each edifice. {U}pwelling of thermal water is also inferred from a positive self-potential anomaly at the summit of the both volcanoes, and by ground temperatures up to 37 degrees {C} observed at {T}icsani. {O}ur model results suggest that the regional topographic gradient is able to significantly divert the thermal water flow and can lead to an asymmetric emplacement of the hydrothermal system even considering a homogeneous permeability of the edifice. {I}nside the thermal flow, the hydraulic conductivity increases with the decrease of temperature-related viscosity, focusing the flow towards the surface and creating a hydrothermal zone at a large lateral distance from the heat source. {T}he location and temperature of the hot springs together with the water table position given by self-potential data can be used to constrain the average permeability of the edifice, a key parameter influencing fluid flow and associated advective heat transfer in the direction opposite to the regional topographic gradient. {O}ur study allows to explain the emplacement of the hydrothermal systems at volcanoes with asymmetric edifices or even the absence of a shallow hydrothermal system. {T}hese results can be generalized to the study of non-volcanic hydrothermal systems.}, keywords = {self-potential mapping ; hydrothermal system ; hot springs ; temperature ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, volume = {365}, numero = {}, pages = {152--164}, ISSN = {0012-821{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.epsl.2013.01.018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060888}, }