@article{fdi:010060773, title = {{P}redation success by a plant-ant indirectly favours the growth and fitness of its host myrmecophyte}, author = {{D}ejean, {A}. and {O}rivel, {J}. and {R}ossi, {V}. and {R}oux, {O}livier and {L}auth, {J}. and {M}ale, {P}. {J}. {G}. and {C}ereghino, {R}. and {L}eroy, {C}{\'e}line}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}utualisms, or interactions between species that lead to net fitness benefits for each species involved, are stable and ubiquitous in nature mostly due to "byproduct benefits' stemming from the intrinsic traits of one partner that generate an indirect and positive outcome for the other. {H}ere we verify if myrmecotrophy (where plants obtain nutrients from the refuse of their associated ants) can explain the stability of the tripartite association between the myrmecophyte {H}irtella physophora, the ant {A}llomerus decemarticulatus and an {A}scomycota fungus. {T}he plant shelters and provides the ants with extrafloral nectar. {T}he ants protect the plant from herbivores and integrate the fungus into the construction of a trap that they use to capture prey; they also provide the fungus and their host plant with nutrients. {D}uring a 9-month field study, we over-provisioned experimental ant colonies with insects, enhancing colony fitness (i.e., more winged females were produced). {T}he rate of partial castration of the host plant, previously demonstrated, was not influenced by the experiment. {E}xperimental plants showed higher delta {N}-15 values (confirming myrmecotrophy), plus enhanced vegetative growth (e. g., more leaves produced increased the possibility of lodging ants in leaf pouches) and fitness (i.e., more fruits produced and more flowers that matured into fruit). {T}his study highlights the importance of myrmecotrophy on host plant fitness and the stability of ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms.}, keywords = {{GUYANE} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {8}, numero = {3}, pages = {e59405}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0059405}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060773}, }