@article{fdi:010060744, title = {{C}haracterization of single nucleotide polymorphism in {T}unisian grapevine genome and their potential for population genetics and evolutionary studies}, author = {{R}iahi, {L}. and {Z}oghlami, {N}. and {F}ournier-{L}evel, {A}. and {D}ereeper, {A}lexis and {L}e {C}unff, {L}. and {L}aucou, {V}. and {M}liki, {A}. and {T}his, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, two gene fragments corresponding to the {V}v{MYBA}1 and {V}v{MYBA}2 loci were sequenced on a sample of grapes including cultivated and wild accessions originating from {T}unisia, {G}ermany and {F}rance. {A} total of 42 {SNP}s were detected in the sequenced fragments giving an average of 1 {SNP} every 33 bp. {H}igh level of polymorphism was observed in the samples either in cultivated or wild accessions. {P}attern of nucleotide diversity indicates a non departure from neutrality expectations for wild grapevine sample for gene {V}v{MYBA}1 and {V}v{MYBA}2 and for cultivated sample for gene {V}v{MYBA}1. {H}owever, a linkage to a selective sweep was revealed for cultivated grapevine gene pool in gene {V}v{MYBA}2. {A} genetic structure of the studied sample according to accession taxonomic status was revealed by the {UPGMA} clustering with a considerable overlap. {T}his result was confirmed by significant but low genetic differentiation values between cultivated and wild sample. {T}he number of migrants {N}m based on sequence data information between {T}unisian cultivars and {T}unisian wild accessions showed a low level of gene flow between those germplasms. {T}his finding indicates that {T}unisian cultivars do not derive directly from local wild populations but could mostly correspond to imported materials introduced during historical times. {H}owever, the possibility that some cultivars derived from ancestral events of local domestication or cross hybridization with native wild plants was not completely excluded for {T}unisian grapevine accessions.}, keywords = {{G}enetic relationships ; {H}aplotype diversity ; {S}ingle nucleotide ; polymorphism ; {T}unisia ; {V}itis vinifera {L}. ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enetic {R}esources and {C}rop {E}volution}, volume = {60}, numero = {3}, pages = {1139--1151}, ISSN = {0925-9864}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s10722-012-9910-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060744}, }