@article{fdi:010060719, title = {{R}ice yellow mottle virus in {M}adagascar and in the {Z}anzibar {A}rchipelago ; island systems and evolutionary time scale to study virus emergence}, author = {{R}akotomalala, {M}. and {G}alzi, {A}gn{\`e}s and {M}punami, {A}. and {R}andrianasolo, {A}. and {R}amavovololona, {P}. and {R}abenantoandro, {Y}. and {F}argette, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}ice yellow mottle virus ({RYMV}), of the genus {S}obemovirus, is a major threat to rice cultivation in {A}frica. {L}ong range transmission of {RYMV}, difficult to study experimentally, is inferred from a detailed analysis of the molecular diversity of the virus in {M}adagascar and in the {Z}anzibar {A}rchipelago ({Z}anzibar and {P}emba {I}slands; {T}anzania) compared with that found elsewhere in {A}frica. {A} unique successful introduction of {RYMV} to {M}adagascar, which is ca. 400 km from mainland {A}frica, contrasted with recurrent introductions of the virus to the {Z}anzibar {A}rchipelago, ca. 40 km from the {E}ast {A}frican coast. {A}ccordingly, {RYMV} dispersal over distances of hundreds of kilometers is rare whereas spread of the virus over distances of tens of kilometers is relatively frequent. {T}he dates of introduction of {RYMV} to {M}adagascar and to {P}emba {I}sland were estimated from three sets of {ORF}4 sequences of virus isolates collected between 1966 and 2011. {T}hey were compared with the dates of the first field detection in {M}adagascar (1989) and in {P}emba {I}sland (1990). {T}he estimates did not depend substantially on the data set used or on the evolutionary model applied and their credible intervals were narrow. {T}he estimated dates are recent - 1978 (1969-1986) and 1985 (1977-1993) in {M}adagascar and in {P}emba {I}sland, respectively - compared to the early diversification of {RYMV} in {E}ast {A}frica ca. 200 years ago. {T}hey predated by 5-10 years the first field detections in these islands. {T}he interplay between virus sources, rice cultivation and long range dispersal which led to {RYMV} emergence and spread is enlightened.}, keywords = {{V}irus emergence ; {I}sland systems ; {R}ice ; {A}frica ; {L}ong distance transmission ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ZANZIBAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}irus {R}esearch}, volume = {171}, numero = {1}, pages = {71--79}, ISSN = {0168-1702}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.virusres.2012.10.023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060719}, }