@article{fdi:010060518, title = {{P}romoter analysis of the {WRKY} transcription factors {C}a{WRKY}1a and {C}a{WRKY}1b homoeologous genes in coffee ({C}offea arabica)}, author = {{P}etitot, {A}nne-{S}ophie and {B}arsalobres-{C}avallari, {C}. and {R}amiro, {D}. and {F}reire, {E}. {A}. and {E}tienne, {H}. and {F}ernandez, {D}iana}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he regulation of the {C}a{WRKY}1 homoeologous genes were analyzed through the characterization of their promoters. {T}he p{W}1a promoter is proposed as a new tool for coffee plant biotechnologies. {WRKY} transcription factors are important elements of the plant immune response. {T}he {C}a{WRKY}1 gene from {C}offea arabica is induced by several biotic and abiotic stresses, including challenge by the rust fungus {H}emileia vastatrix. {T}wo homoeologous {C}a{WRKY}1 genes, named {C}a{WRKY}1a and {C}a{WRKY}1b, were previously identified in the {C}. arabica allotetraploid genome. {T}o gain insight into the transcriptional regulation of these genes, their promoter sequences, named p{W}1a and p{W}1b, respectively, were cloned and characterized in this study. {I}n silico analysis revealed some important defense-associated regulatory elements, including {W}-boxes and as-1 elements. {P}romoter activities were analyzed in transient assays conducted by agroinfiltration of tobacco leaves. {E}xogenous salicylic acid ({SA}) treatments increased promoter activities corroborating the presence of as-1 regulatory elements. {T}ransactivation assays with the {C}a{WRKY}1 protein showed the reduction of both p{W}1a and p{W}1b promoter activities, indicating that the {C}a{WRKY}1 protein may negatively regulate its own promoters. {S}table transgenic {C}. arabica lines expressing a p{W}1a::{GUS} construct were obtained by {A}grobacterium-mediated transformation and high {GUS} activity was observed in leaves subjected to mechanical wounding. {H}ence, the ability of p{W}1a to drive transgene expression in coffee plants as well as to enhance expression in response to stresses opens possibilities for using this promoter as a new tool for biotechnological approaches in coffee plants.}, keywords = {{WRKY} transcription factor ; {P}romoter ; {C}offea arabica ; {T}ransactivation ; {S}alicylic acid ; {R}ust fungus}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {C}ell {R}eports}, volume = {32}, numero = {8}, pages = {1263--1276}, ISSN = {0721-7714}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s00299-013-1440-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060518}, }