@article{fdi:010060461, title = {{T}he influence of a shrub-based intercropping system on the soil nematofauna when growing millet in {S}enegal}, author = {{D}iakhat{\'e}, {S}. and {V}illenave, {C}{\'e}cile and {D}iallo, {N}. {H}. and {B}a, {A}. {O}. and {D}jigal, {D}. and {M}asse, {D}ominique and {S}emb{\`e}ne, {P}. {M}. and {C}hapuis {L}ardy, {L}ydie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}oody shrubs commonly co-exist with annual food crops in farmers' fields throughout the {S}ahel. {M}anagement strategies that deliberately include the native shrub {P}iliostigma reticulatum in {S}enegalese cropping systems result in soil functioning enhancement that benefits to the associated cereal. {T}he objective of this work was to evaluate shrub effect on soil nematode communities. {S}oil samples were collected from an experimental design where pearl millet ({P}ennisetum glaucum) was cultivated alone or with {P}. reticulatum stands and mulch. {S}oil nematofauna characteristics were determined and compared with results from soil under pure shrub stands and from bare soil. {T}he analysis of soil nematofauna, characterized by the abundance of different trophic groups and related indices ({MI}, maturity index; {E}l and {SI}, enrichment and structure indices), allowed discrimination between treatments with or without shrub presence. {T}he soil nematode community in millet cultivation was dominated by plant feeding nematodes, mainly from the {H}oplolaimidae family, but their abundance decreased when {P}. reticulatum was associated to the cereal. {T}he shrub also impacted other nematode trophic groups. {T}he abundance of opportunistic bacterial feeders (mainly {C}ephalobidae) was increased in shrub treatments. {F}urther research should explore consequences on cereal nutrition and nematicidal properties of {P}. reticulatum.}, keywords = {{P}iliostigma reticulatum ; {P}ennisetum glaucum ; {S}ahelian shrub ; {S}oil nematodes ; {T}rophic groups ; {E}cological indices ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {S}oil {B}iology}, volume = {57}, numero = {}, pages = {35--41}, ISSN = {1164-5563}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ejsobi.2013.04.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060461}, }