@article{fdi:010060405, title = {{T}exture and organic carbon contents do not impact amount of carbon protected in {M}alagasy soils}, author = {{R}azafimbelo, {T}. and {C}hevallier, {T}iphaine and {A}lbrecht, {A}lain and {C}hapuis {L}ardy, {L}ydie and {R}akotondrasolo, {F}. {N}. and {M}ichellon, {R}. and {R}abeharisoa, {L}. and {B}ernoux, {M}artial}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil organic carbon ({SOC}) is usually said to be well correlated with soil texture and soil aggregation. {T}hese relations generally suggest a physical and physicochemical protection of {SOC} within soil aggregates and on soil fine particles, respectively. {B}ecause there are few experimental evidences of these relations on tropical soils, we tested the relations of soil variables ({SOC} and soil aggregate contents, and soil texture) with the amount of {SOC} physically protected in aggregates on a set of 15 {M}alagasy soils. {T}he soil texture, the {SOC} and water stable macroaggregate ({MA}) contents and the amount of {SOC} physically protected inside aggregates, calculated as the difference of {C} mineralized by crushed and intact aggregates, were characterized. {T}he relation between these variables was established. {SOC} content was significantly correlated with soil texture (clay+fine silt fraction) and with soil {MA} amount while protected {SOC} content was not correlated with soil {MA} amount. {T}his lack of correlation might be attributed to the highest importance of physicochemical protection of {SOC} which is demonstrated by the positive relation between {SOC} and clay+fine silt fraction.}, keywords = {macroaggregate ; tropical soils ; soil structure ; carbon stabilization ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientia {A}gricola}, volume = {70}, numero = {3}, pages = {204--208}, ISSN = {0103-9016}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1590/{S}0103-90162013000300009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060405}, }