@article{fdi:010060396, title = {{S}easonal variability of total dissolved fluxes and origin of major dissolved elements within a large tropical river : the {O}rinoco, {V}enezuela}, author = {{L}araque, {A}lain and {M}oquet, {J}. {S}. and {A}lkattan, {R}. and {S}teiger, {J}. and {M}ora, {A}. and {A}d{\`e}le, {G}eorges and {C}astellanos, {B}. and {L}agane, {C}. and {L}opez, {J}. {L}. and {P}erez, {J}. and {R}odriguez, {M}. and {R}osales, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}easonal variations of total dissolved fluxes of the lower {O}rinoco {R}iver were calculated taking into account four complete hydrological cycles during a five-year period (2005-2010). {T}he modern concentrations of total dissolved solids ({TDS}) of the {O}rinoco surface waters were compared with data collected during the second half of the last century published in the literature. {T}his comparison leads to the conclusion that chemical composition did not evolve significantly at least over the last thirty to forty years. {S}urface waters of the {O}rinoco at {C}iudad {B}olivar are between bicarbonated calcic and bicarbonated mixed. {I}n comparison to mean values of concentrations of total dissolved solids ({TDS}) of world river surface waters (89.2 mg l(-1)), the {O}rinoco {R}iver at {C}iudad {B}olivar presents mainly low mineralized surface waters (2005-10: {TDS} 30 mg l(-1)). {T}he {TDS} fluxes passing at this station in direction to the {A}tlantic {O}cean between 2005 and 2010 were estimated at 30 x 10(6) t yr(-1), i.e. 36 t km(-2) yr(-1). {I}t was observed that the seasonal variations (dry season vs wet season) of total dissolved fluxes ({TDS} and dissolved organic carbon ({D}o{C})) are mainly controlled by discharge variations. {T}wo groups of elements have been defined from dilution curves and molar ratio diagrams. {C}a2+, {M}g2+, {HCO}3-, {C}l- and {N}a+ mainly come from the same geographic and lithologic area, the {A}ndes. {K}+ and {S}i{O}2 essentially come from the {L}lanos and the {G}uayana {S}hield. {T}hese findings are important for understanding fundamental geochemical processes within the {O}rinoco {R}iver basin, but also as a baseline study in the perspective of the development of numerous mining activities related with aluminum and steel industries; and the plans of the {V}enezuelan government to construct new fluvial ports on the lower {O}rinoco for the transport of hydrocarbons.}, keywords = {{H}ydrochemistry ; {T}otal dissolved fluxes ; {H}ydrology ; {O}rinoco {R}iver ; {VENEZUELA} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ORENOQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}outh {A}merican {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {44}, numero = {{SI}}, pages = {4--17}, ISSN = {0895-9811}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jsames.2012.12.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060396}, }