@article{fdi:010060378, title = {{U}nexpected absence of control of rubber tree growth by soil water shortage in dry subhumid climate}, author = {{C}lermont {D}auphin, {C}athy and {S}uvannang, {N}. and {H}ammecker, {C}laude and {C}heylan, {V}. and {P}ongwichian, {P}. and {D}o, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}ubber tree cultivation is presently expanding rapidly into dry subhumid areas. {A}s a consequence, trees face a long dry season. {L}ow growth rates are delaying the start of tapping. {T}he relationship between the growth rate and the soil water availability is not clear. {T}herefore, we studied the origin of low growth rates. {F}or that we analyzed the relationships between growth, plant water stress, and soil water availability along a toposequence with a soil depth gradient. {T}he plantation of 3-year-old {H}evea brasiliensis trees was located in northeast {T}hailand. {T}ree circumference, predawn leaf water potential (p), soil water potential (s), and micrometeorological parameters were monitored from 2007 to 2010. {R}esults show spatial and temporal variability of growth with a threshold value of leaf water potential of -0.4 {MP}a for growth. {T}his leaf water potential threshold was not associated with very dry soils as soil water potentials were higher than -0.05 {M}pa. {B}ut the leaf water potential threshold was associated with a high air vapor pressure deficit higher than 3-4 k{P}a. {L}eaf water potential decreased when the soil at the bottom of the slope was saturated in the rainy season. {T}hese results provide, for the first time, evidence that soil water shortage is unexpectedly not the main cause of low growth rates. {D}ry air in the dry season and waterlogging in rainy season are major constraints.}, keywords = {{A}gronomic diagnosis ; {R}adial growth ; {L}eaf water potential ; {S}oil water potential ; {A}ir vapor pressure deficit ; {W}aterlogging ; {M}ortality ; {T}oposequence ; {S}uboptimal area ; {I}mmature {H}evea ; {H}evea brasiliensis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gronomy for {S}ustainable {D}evelopment}, volume = {33}, numero = {3}, pages = {531--538}, ISSN = {1774-0746}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s13593-012-0129-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060378}, }