@article{fdi:010058955, title = {{E}nvenoming by coral snakes ({M}icrurus) in {A}rgentina during the period between 1979-2003}, author = {de {R}oodt, {A}. {R}. and {D}e {T}itto, {E}. and {D}olab, {J}. {A}. and {C}hippaux, {J}ean-{P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}nvenomation by coral snakes ({M}icrurus sp.) is one of the most dangerous injuries in {A}merica and it is considered as a serious medical emergency, however bites by these snakes appear to be rare. {W}e analyzed epidemiological data, clinical signs and antivenom use in {A}rgentina during the period between 1979-2003. {D}uring this period of study 46 non-fatal {M}icrurus bites were reported. {T}he majority of cases were men from 31 to 40 years old. {B}ites occurred primarily in spring and summer. {M}ost cases were reported from the northeast and northwest provinces of the country. {T}he bites were mostly located on hands or feet and occurred mostly during agricultural activities and so mainly involved farmers. {O}nly four cases occurred as a result of handling snakes. {T}he median time it took for antivenom to be administrated was 60 minutes after the bite, and the median number of vials applied was 2. {L}ocal pain was mentioned and edema was reported in 41% of patients. {A}ll patients recovered without sequelae. {T}his study showed a low incidence of {M}icrurus bites and low severity of envenomation. {H}owever, although no deaths have been reported during the last 30 years, given the toxicity of the venom of {M}icrurus snakes, the risk of severe envenomation should be considered.}, keywords = {{S}nakes ; {E}nvenoming ; {M}icrurus ; {E}pidemiology ; {S}nakebite ; {A}ntivenom ; {ARGENTINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evista do {I}nstituto de {M}edicina {T}ropical de {S}ao {P}aulo}, volume = {55}, numero = {1}, pages = {13--18}, ISSN = {0036-4665}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1590/s0036-46652013000100003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058955}, }