@article{fdi:010058243, title = {{T}ell me a tale of {TALE}s}, author = {{B}odnar, {A}. {M}. and {B}ernal, {A}. and {S}zurek, {B}oris and {L}opez, {C}. {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}athogenic bacteria of the {X}anthomonas and {R}alstonia genus have developed resourceful strategies creating a favorable environment to multiply and colonize their host plants. {O}ne of these strategies involves the secretion and translocation of several families of effector proteins into the host cell. {T}he transcription activator-like effector ({TALE}) family forms a subset of proteins involved in the direct modulation of host gene expression. {TALE}s include a number of tandem 34-amino acid repeats in their central part, where specific residues variable in two adjacent positions determine {DNA}-binding in the host genome. {T}he specificity of this binding and its predictable nature make {TALE}s a revolutionary tool for gene editing, functional analysis, modification of target gene expression, and directed mutagenesis. {S}everal examples have been reported in higher organisms as diverse as plants, {D}rosophila, zebrafish, mouse, and even human cells. {H}ere, we summarize the functions of {TALE}s in their natural context and the biotechnological perspectives of their use.}, keywords = {{TAL} effector ; {X}anthomonas ; {P}athogenicity target ; {G}enome editing}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {B}iotechnology}, volume = {53}, numero = {2}, pages = {228--235}, ISSN = {1073-6085}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s12033-012-9619-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058243}, }