@article{fdi:010058204, title = {{T}he influence of local environment on the aging and mortality of {A}edes aegypti ({L}.) : case study in {F}ortaleza-{CE}, {B}razil}, author = {{D}egallier, {N}icolas and {S}ervain, {J}acques and {L}ucio, {P}. {S}. and {H}annart, {A}. and {D}urand, {B}. and de {S}ouza, {R}. {N}. and {R}ibeiro, {Z}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}t is generally assumed that the daily probability of survival of mosquitoes is independent of age. {T}o test this assumption we have conducted a three-year experimental fieldwork study (20052007) at {F}ortaleza-{CE} in {B}razil, determining daily survival rates of the dengue vector {A}edes aegypti ({L}.). {S}urvival rates of adult {A}e. aegypti may be age-dependent and the statistical analysis is a sensitive approach for comparing patterns of mosquito survival. {T}he mosquito survival data were better fit by a {W}eibull survival function than by the more traditionally used {G}ompertz or logistic survival functions. {G}ompertz, {W}eibull, or logistic survival functions often fit the survival, and the tails of the survival curves usually appear to fall between the values predicted by the three functions. {W}e corroborate that the mortality of {A}e. aegypti in semi-natural conditions may no more be considered as a constant phenomenon during the life of adult mosquitoes but varies according to the age and environmental conditions under a tropical climate. {T}his study estimates the variability in the survival rate of {A}e. aegypti and environmental factors that are related to such variability. {T}he statistical analysis shows that the fitting ability, concerning the hazard function, was in decreasing order: {S}easonal {C}ox, the three-parameter {G}ompertz, and the three-parameter {W}eibull, that was similar to the three-parameter logistic. {T}he advantage of using the {C}ox model is that it is convenient for exploring the relationship between survival and several explanatory variables. {T}he {C}ox model has the advantage of preserving the variable in its original quantitative form and of using a maximum of information. {T}he survival analyses indicate that mosquito mortality is both age- and environment-dependent.}, keywords = {{D}engue ; {K}ruskal-{W}allis test ; hazard rate ; {G}ompertz function ; logistic ; function ; {W}eibull function ; {C}ox's proportional hazard function}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}ector {E}cology}, volume = {37}, numero = {2}, pages = {428--441}, ISSN = {1081-1710}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1948-7134.2012.00247.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058204}, }