@article{fdi:010058192, title = {{S}ingle nucleotide polymorphism and haplotype diversity of the gene {NAC}4 in grapevine}, author = {{R}iahi, {L}. and {Z}oghlami, {N}. and {D}ereeper, {A}lexis and {L}aucou, {V}. and {M}liki, {A}. and {T}his, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {NAC} gene family encodes a large plant-specific transcription factors that play diverse roles in plant development and stress regulation. {I}n this study, nucleotide variation at gene {NAC}4 was surveyed by sequencing a sample of 50 wild grapevine accessions and 73 cultivars of {V}itis vinifera {L}. {A} total of 11 bi-allelic single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected in the studied gene resulting in an average of 1 {SNP} every 63 bp. {A}mong the 11 detected {SNP}s, 2 {SNP}s were located in the coding region. {SNP} {R}373 results in a change in the encoded amino acid ({V}al double right arrow {I}le) and the second is synonymous. {T}he detected {SNP}s combine to 10 haplotypes with frequency varying from 0.4% to 53.3%. {G}enetic diversity level recorded for cultivated grapevine gene pools (11 {SNP}, 9 haplo, {H}d = 0.735 +/- 0.028, {P}i = 0.00492 +/- 0.00024) was higher than for wild germplasms (9 {SNP}s, 8 haplo, {H}d = 0.526 +/- 0.051, {P}i = 0.00236 +/- 0.00026). {A} search for selection signatures highlighted non deviations from the standard neutral model for this gene in wild sample. {H}owever patterns of nucleotide diversity were consistent with a balancing selection in cultivated gene pool which may provide evidence for adaptation at the molecular level and help elucidate genotype phenotype relationships. {T}he presence of {SNP}s resulting in the change in the encoded amino acid in the studied gene can be interesting to highlight contribution of {SNP} in the evolution of candidate genes coding for functional trait in plants and can be a base for further genetic association studies.}, keywords = {{V}itis vinifera {L}. ; {NAC}4 ; {S}equence diversity ; {SNP} ; {E}volutionary factors}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}ndustrial {C}rops and {P}roducts}, volume = {43}, numero = {}, pages = {718--724}, ISSN = {0926-6690}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.08.021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058192}, }