@article{fdi:010058182, title = {{P}rojected impacts of climate change on spatio-temporal patterns of freshwater fish beta diversity : a deconstructing approach}, author = {{T}isseuil, {C}l{\'e}ment and {L}eprieur, {F}. and {G}renouillet, {G}. and {V}rac, {M}. and {L}ek, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}im {T}o assess the potential impacts of future climate change on spatio-temporal patterns of freshwater fish beta diversity. {L}ocation {A}dour{G}aronne {R}iver {B}asin ({F}rance). {M}ethods {W}e first applied an ensemble modelling approach to project annually the future distribution of 18 fish species for the 2010-2100 period on 50 sites. {W}e then explored the spatial and temporal patterns of beta diversity by distinguishing between its two additive components, namely species turnover and nestedness. {R}esults {T}axonomic homogenization of fish assemblages was projected to increase linearly over the 21st century, especially in the downstream parts of the river gradient. {T}his homogenization process was almost entirely caused by a decrease in spatial species turnover. {W}hen considering the temporal dimension of beta diversity, our results reveal an overall pattern of decreasing beta diversity along the upstreamdownstream river gradient. {I}n contrast, when considering the turnover and nestedness components of temporal beta diversity we found significant {U}-shaped and hump-shaped relationships, respectively. {M}ain conclusions {F}uture climate change is projected to modify the taxonomic composition of freshwater fish assemblages by increasing their overall similarity over the {A}dour{G}aronne {R}iver {B}asin. {O}ur findings suggest that the distinction between the nestedness and turnover components of beta diversity is not only crucial for understanding the processes shaping spatial beta-diversity patterns but also for identifying localities where the rates of species replacement are projected to be greatest. {S}pecifically we recommend that future conservation studies should not only consider the spatial component of beta diversity but also its dynamic caused by climate warming.}, keywords = {{B}eta diversity ; ensemble forecasting ; {F}rance ; freshwater fish ; nestedness ; species distribution model ; temporal changes ; turnover}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal {E}cology and {B}iogeography}, volume = {21}, numero = {12}, pages = {1213--1222}, ISSN = {1466-822{X}}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1466-8238.2012.00773.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058182}, }