@article{fdi:010057752, title = {{I}nstitutional care and child abandonment dynamics : a case study in {A}ntananarivo, {M}adagascar}, author = {{D}elaunay, {V}al{\'e}rie and {G}ermain, {L}. {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} "social market" for children care is growing in developing world, in a context of philanthropic support and strong demand for international adoption. {M}oreover, impoverishment of many urban families results in a high demand for social aid that governments have trouble to provide. {W}e have explored the circumstances leading to the placement of 764 children using a survey conducted among 40 residential care institutions in {A}ntananarivo, capital city of {M}adagascar. {O}ne third of these children have been abandoned or orphaned. {S}tigmatizations against some children (born to unmarried mothers) and the refusal to care for step-children in newly reconstituted families seem to be key factors for abandonment. {S}ome two-thirds of children are not abandoned and have at least one parent alive. {F}amilies place these children for economic reasons. {I}f residential placement is the best solution for some children, it is important to question the relevance of child placement as a response to deep poverty, which makes up the majority of cases (the two-thirds). {H}ow are responses influenced by adoption demand? {W}hat responses should be promoted? {H}ow is residential placement embedded within the national policy for child protection? {O}ur findings highlight the need for a more in-depth understanding of the dynamics of child abandonment in view of prevention actions. {T}his paper has also raised the need for coordinated actions based on a real dialogue and consultation among all the stakeholders.}, keywords = {{C}hildhood ; {I}nstitutional care ; {R}esidential care ; {C}hild abandonment ; {A}doption}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hild {I}ndicators {R}esearch}, volume = {5}, numero = {4}, pages = {659--683}, ISSN = {1874-897{X}}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s12187-012-9141-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057752}, }