@article{fdi:010057364, title = {{P}erformance of a multi-{RCM} ensemble for {S}outh {E}astern {S}outh {A}merica}, author = {{C}arril, {A}. {F}. and {M}enendez, {C}. {G}. and {R}emedio, {A}. {R}. {C}. and {R}obledo, {F}. and {S}orensson, {A}. and {T}encer, {B}. and {B}oulanger, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and de {C}astro, {M}. and {J}acob, {D}. and {L}e {T}reut, {H}. and {L}i, {L}. {Z}. {X}. and {P}enalba, {O}. and {P}feifer, {S}. and {R}usticucci, {M}. and {S}alio, {P}. and {S}amuelsson, {P}. and {S}anchez, {E}. and {Z}aninelli, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he ability of four regional climate models to reproduce the present-day {S}outh {A}merican climate is examined with emphasis on {L}a {P}lata {B}asin. {M}odels were integrated for the period 1991-2000 with initial and lateral boundary conditions from {ERA}-40 {R}eanalysis. {T}he ensemble sea level pressure, maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation are evaluated in terms of seasonal means and extreme indices based on a percentile approach. {D}ispersion among the individual models and uncertainties when comparing the ensemble mean with different climatologies are also discussed. {T}he ensemble mean is warmer than the observations in {S}outh {E}astern {S}outh {A}merica ({SESA}), especially for minimum winter temperatures with errors increasing in magnitude towards the tails of the distributions. {T}he ensemble mean reproduces the broad spatial pattern of precipitation, but overestimates the convective precipitation in the tropics and the orographic precipitation along the {A}ndes and over the {B}razilian {H}ighlands, and underestimates the precipitation near the monsoon core region. {T}he models overestimate the number of wet days and underestimate the daily intensity of rainfall for both seasons suggesting a premature triggering of convection. {T}he skill of models to simulate the intensity of convective precipitation in summer in {SESA} and the variability associated with heavy precipitation events (the upper quartile daily precipitation) is far from satisfactory. {O}wing to the sparseness of the observing network, ensemble and observations uncertainties in seasonal means are comparable for some regions and seasons.}, keywords = {{R}egional climate models ; {M}ulti-{RCM} ensemble validation ; {S}outh {E}astern ; {S}outh {A}merica ; {S}outh {A}merica}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {39}, numero = {12}, pages = {2747--2768}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-012-1573-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057364}, }