@article{fdi:010057346, title = {{C}hange in {S}ahelian {R}ivers hydrograph : the case of recent red floods of the {N}iger {R}iver in the {N}iamey region}, author = {{D}escroix, {L}uc and {G}enthon, {P}ierre and {A}mogu, {O}kechukwu and {R}ajot, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {S}ighomnou, {D}. and {V}auclin, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hanges in the hydrological regime of {S}ahelian {R}ivers are considered based upon the example of the {M}iddle {N}iger {R}iver and its exceptional flood in 2010 near the city of {N}iamey. {I}t is shown that rainfall in 2010 was only average with respect to the long term record, with neither the monthly rainfall distribution in terms of the amount of rainfall nor the distribution of rainy events changing significantly in the last few decades. {P}articularly, no increase in the number of extreme rainfall events is observed. {I}n spite of this, the {N}iger {R}iver's right bank tributaries have shown a sharp increase in runoff since the 1970s, which is still ongoing, and has resulted in a modification of the {N}iger {R}iver's regime from a single hydrograph to a two flood hydrograph, the local flood, occurring during the rainy season being the more pronounced one. {T}his modification is likely due to an increase of bare soils and crusted soil areas as a consequence of human pressure, resulting mostly from the spatial extension of crop areas and the shortening of fallow periods. {C}hanges in connectivity of the river networks on both banks of the {N}iger such as endorheism bursting events also caused an increase in the contributing basin area. {P}olicy makers should be alerted to the effects of intensive cropping, land clearing and overgrazing in some areas, on the hydrological regimes of {S}ahelian {R}ivers.}, keywords = {red flood ; monsoon ; {W}est {A}frica ; land use change ; endorheism bursting ; soil crusting}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal and {P}lanetary {C}hange}, volume = {98-99}, numero = {}, pages = {18--30}, ISSN = {0921-8181}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.07.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057346}, }