@article{fdi:010057327, title = {{T}he distribution of mutational fitness effects of phage phi x174 on different hosts}, author = {{V}ale, {P}. {F}. and {C}hoisy, {M}arc and {F}roissart, {R}. and {S}anjuan, {R}. and {G}andon, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}daptation depends greatly on the distribution of mutation fitness effects ({DMFE}), but the phenotypic expression of mutations is often environment dependent. {T}he environments faced by multihost pathogens are mostly governed by their hosts and therefore measuring the {DMFE} on multiple hosts can inform on the likelihood of short-term establishment and longer term adaptation of emerging pathogens. {W}e explored this by measuring the growth rate of 36 mutants of the lytic bacteriophage phi {X}174 on two host backgrounds, {E}scherichia coli ({E}c{C}) and {S}almonella typhimurium ({S}t{G}al). {T}he {DMFE} showed higher mean and variance on {E}c{C} than on {S}t{G}al. {M}ost mutations were either deleterious or neutral on both hosts, but a greater proportion of mutations were deleterious on {S}t{G}al. {W}e identified two mutations with beneficial fitness effects on {E}c{C} that were neutral on {S}t{G}al. {H}ost-specific differences in fitness were associated with particular functional classes of genes involved in the initial stages of infection in accordance with previous studies of host specificity. {O}verall, there was a positive correlation between the effects of mutations on each host, suggesting that most new mutations will have general, rather than host-specific fitness effects. {W}e consider these results in light of simple fitness landscape models of adaptation and discuss the relevance of context-dependent {DMFE} for multihost pathogens.}, keywords = {{A}daptation ; bacteriophage ; context dependent ; distribution of fitness effects ; fitness landscape ; multihost pathogens}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}volution}, volume = {66}, numero = {11}, pages = {3495--3507}, ISSN = {0014-3820}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01691.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057327}, }