@article{fdi:010057256, title = {{E}ffect of water quality on growth of four fish species in the {I}t{\'e}nez basin ({U}pper {M}adera, {A}mazon)}, author = {{S}iangas, {E}. {L}. and {P}ouilly, {M}arc and {V}allejos, {A}. and {P}erez, {T}. and {R}ejas, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ish growth is an indicator of populations' life conditions that could be used to detect stress due to contamination. {I}n this study, age of fishes of four species ({P}sectrogaster essequibensis, {S}chizodon fasciatus, {T}riportheus angulatus and {P}ygocentrus nattereri) from the {I}t{\'e}nez basin ({U}pper {M}adera, {A}mazon) were estimated by otolith readings, and growth parameters were estimated by using the {V}on {B}ertalanffy {G}rowth {F}unction. {P}opulations of four sites were compared in order to detect the effect of natural and anthropogenical water chemistry differences. {O}ne of these sites was directly impacted by gold mining activities whereas the three others were only influenced by mild human activities and presented white or clear waters. {S}pecies growth coefficient ({K}) varied from 0.28 ({P}. nattereri), to 0.39 ({P}. essequibensis), 0.69 ({S}. fasciatus) and 1.71 ({T}. angulatus). {D}ue to the limited size samples, these values have to be considered as preliminary regional approximation. {F}or {S}. fasciatus, {P}. nattereri and {T}. angulatus, residuals analysis of the growth function showed differences among the three unimpacted sites. {H}owever, each species exhibited different patterns of growth variations among sites, thus preventing to clearly demonstrate a general effect of water chemistry on the fish growth of these populations. {O}n the contrary, for these three species fish growth appeared weaker in the gold-mining site.}, keywords = {{O}toliths ; {A}ge reading ; {M}ercury ; {W}hite water ; {C}lear water}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {B}iology of {F}ishes}, volume = {95}, numero = {3}, pages = {371--381}, ISSN = {0378-1909}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s10641-012-0011-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057256}, }