@article{fdi:010057247, title = {{F}ilovirus research in {G}abon and {E}quatorial {A}frica : the experience of a research center in the heart of {A}frica}, author = {{L}eroy, {E}ric and {G}onzalez, {J}ean-{P}aul}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ealth research programs targeting the population of {G}abon and {E}quatorial {A}frica at the {I}nternational {C}enter for {M}edical {R}esearch in {F}ranceville ({CIRMF}), {G}abon, have evolved during the years since its inception in 1979 in accordance with emerging diseases. {S}ince the reemergence of {E}bola virus in {C}entral {A}frica, the {CIRMF} "{E}merging {V}iral {D}isease {U}nit" developed diagnostic tools and epidemiologic strategies and transfers of such technology to support the response of the {N}ational {P}ublic {H}ealth {S}ystem and the {W}orld {H}ealth {O}rganization to epidemics of {E}bola virus disease. {T}he {U}nit carries out a unique investigation program on the natural history of the filoviruses, emergence of epidemics, and {E}bola virus pathogenesis. {I}n addition, academic training is provided at all levels to regional and international students covering emerging conditions (host factors, molecular biology, genetics) that favor the spread of viral diseases.}, keywords = {filovirus ; {C}entral {A}frica ; {CIRMF} ; {G}abon ; bats ; immunology ; {E}bola ; hemorrhagic fever}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}iruses}, volume = {4}, numero = {9}, pages = {1592--1604}, ISSN = {1999-4915}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.3390/v4091592}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057247}, }