@article{fdi:010057244, title = {{I}nheritance and relationship between key agronomic and quality traits in an interspecific cross between {C}offea pseudozanguebariae {B}ridson and {C}-canephora {P}ierre}, author = {{A}kaffou, {D}.{S}. and {H}amon, {P}erla and {D}oulbeau, {S}ylvie and {K}eli, {J}. and {L}egnate, {H}. and {C}ampa, {C}laudine and {H}amon, {S}erge and {K}ochko, {A}lexandre de and {Z}oro, {B}.{I}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he inheritance and relationships between four traits of agronomic and quality interest-fructification time, caffeine, and heteroside contents and 100-bean weight-were analyzed in the first backcross hybrids derived from an interspecific cross between {C}offea pseudozanguebariae and {C}offea canephora. {W}e showed that short vs. long fructification time was governed by one major gene with two co-dominant alleles ft1 and ft2. {A}bsence vs. presence of both caffeine and heteroside was also controlled by one major gene. {T}he allele responsible for the presence of caffeine (caf2) dominated over the absence one (caf1) whereas both alleles controlling heteroside, het1 and het2, were co-dominant. {T}he fructification time and the heteroside content were additive while the caffeine content seemed multiplicative. {T}he 100-bean weight was additive and under a polygenic control. {T}he two genes ft and caf were linked, separated by 30.8 c{M}, and were independent from the het gene. {T}he relationships between the four traits were not strong enough, except between 100-bean weight and fructification time (r = 0.43) or caffeine content (r = 0.41). {R}ecombination occurred between the genes controlling the four traits suggesting that new introgressed {R}obusta varieties, characterized by short, medium, or long fructification time depending on demand, bigger seeds with low or no caffeine content, and being heteroside-free, could be produced.}, keywords = {{C}offee tree improvement ; {G}enetic inheritance ; {F}ructification time ; {C}affeine ; {H}eteroside ; {B}ean weight}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ree {G}enetics and {G}enomes}, volume = {8}, numero = {5}, pages = {1149--1162}, ISSN = {1614-2942}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s11295-012-0503-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057244}, }