@article{fdi:010057184, title = {{M}odelling sub-grid wetland in the {ORCHIDEE} global land surface model : evaluation against river discharges and remotely sensed data}, author = {{R}ingeval, {B}. and {D}echarme, {B}. and {P}iao, {S}. {L}. and {C}iais, {P}. and {P}apa, {F}abrice and de {N}oblet-{D}ucoudr{\'e}, {N}. and {P}rigent, {C}. and {F}riedlingstein, {P}. and {G}outtevin, {I}. and {K}oven, {C}. and {D}ucharne, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he quality of the global hydrological simulations performed by land surface models ({LSM}s) strongly depends on processes that occur at unresolved spatial scales. {A}pproaches such as {TOPMODEL} have been developed, which allow soil moisture redistribution within each grid-cell, based upon sub-grid scale topography. {M}oreover, the coupling between {TOPMODEL} and a {LSM} appears as a potential way to simulate wetland extent dynamic and its sensitivity to climate, a recently identified research problem for biogeochemical modelling, including methane emissions. {G}lobal evaluation of the coupling between {TOPMODEL} and an {LSM} is difficult, and prior attempts have been indirect, based on the evaluation of the simulated river flow. {T}his study presents a new way to evaluate this coupling, within the {ORCHIDEE} {LSM}, using remote sensing data of inundated areas. {B}ecause of differences in nature between the satellite derived information - inundation extent - and the variable diagnosed by {TOPMODEL}/{ORCHIDEE} - area at maximum soil water content, the evaluation focuses on the spatial distribution of these two quantities as well as on their temporal variation. {D}espite some difficulties in exactly matching observed localized inundated events, we obtain a rather good agreement in the distribution of these two quantities at a global scale. {F}loodplains are not accounted for in the model, and this is a major limitation. {T}he difficulty of reproducing the year-to-year variability of the observed inundated area (for instance, the decreasing trend by the end of 90s) is also underlined. {C}lassical indirect evaluation based on comparison between simulated and observed river flow is also performed and underlines difficulties to simulate river flow after coupling with {TOPMODEL}. {T}he relationship between inundation and river flow at the basin scale in the model is analyzed, using both methods (evaluation against remote sensing data and river flow). {F}inally, we discuss the potential of the {TOPMODEL}/{LSM} coupling to simulate wetland areas. {A} major limitation of the coupling for this purpose is linked to its ability to simulate a global wetland coverage consistent with the commonly used datasets. {H}owever, it seems to be a good opportunity to account for the wetland areas sensitivity to the climate and thus to simulate its temporal variability.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoscientific {M}odel {D}evelopment}, volume = {5}, numero = {4}, pages = {941--962}, ISSN = {1991-959{X}}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.5194/gmd-5-941-2012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057184}, }