@article{fdi:010057131, title = {{U}biquitous {H}epatocystis infections, but no evidence of {P}lasmodium falciparum-like malaria parasites in wild greater spot-nosed monkeys ({C}ercopithecus nictitans)}, author = {{A}youba, {A}hidjo and {M}ouacha, {F}atima and {L}earn, {G}. {H}. and {M}poudi-{N}gole, {E}. and {R}ayner, {J}. {C}. and {S}harp, {P}. {M}. and {H}ahn, {B}. {H}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {P}eeters, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}estern gorillas ({G}orilla gorilla) have been identified as the natural reservoir of the parasites that were the immediate precursor of {P}lasmodium falciparum infecting humans. {R}ecently, a {P}. falciparum-like sequence was reported in a sample from a captive greater spot-nosed monkey ({C}ercopithecus nictitans), and was taken to indicate that this species may also be a natural reservoir for {P}. falciparum-related parasites. {T}o test this hypothesis we screened blood samples from 292 wild {C} nictitans monkeys that had been hunted for bushmeat in {C}ameroon. {W}e detected {H}epatocystis spp. in 49% of the samples, as well as one sequence from a clade of {P}lasmodium spp. previously found in birds, lizards and bats. {H}owever, none of the 292 wild {C}. nictitans harbored {P}. falciparum-like parasites.}, keywords = {{M}alaria ; {P}lasmodium falciparum ; {H}epatocystis ; {N}on-human primates ; {C}ercopithecus nictitans ; {G}reater spot-nosed monkey}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal for {P}arasitology}, volume = {42}, numero = {8}, pages = {709--713}, ISSN = {0020-7519}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.05.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057131}, }