@article{fdi:010057114, title = {{H}ow are nematode communities affected during a conversion from conventional to organic farming in southern {F}rench vineyards ?}, author = {{C}oll, {P}. and {L}e {C}adre, {E}. and {V}illenave, {C}{\'e}cile}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he rate of conversion from conventional vineyards to organic farming practices is increasing. {O}rganic farming improves some soil properties, although some organic practices have negative effects on soils. {T}he objective of this work was to study the long-term effects of organic farming through the use of soil nematodes as bio-indicators of soil processes. {O}ur experimentation was conducted in a commercial vineyard where plots belonged to two types of viticulture: conventional viticulture and organic viticulture (for 7, 11 and 17 years). {T}he nematode community structure and nematode indices were determined. {T}he main result was that organic practices increased soil nematode density. {A}n increase in the available resources, as measured by a higher enrichment index ({EI}), led to an increase in the microbial feeder density and mainly opportunistic fungal-feeding nematodes. {A} greater density of plant-feeding nematodes was attributed to the presence of a grass cover. {T}he functioning of the soil was shifted with the decomposition channel of the soil organic matter becoming more fungal than bacterial. {E}ven though changes were observed in the nematode community structure following the conversion, the maturity index ({MI}), the plant-parasitic index ({PPI}) and the structure index ({SI}) remained constant. {C}onsequently, the organic practices did not improve the soil food web length or complexity even though the biological activity, as measured by microbial biomass and total nematode density, increased.}, keywords = {bioindicator ; community structure ; ecological indices ; soil food web ; tillage}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ematology}, volume = {14}, numero = {{P}art 6}, pages = {665--676}, ISSN = {1388-5545}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1163/156854112x624195}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057114}, }