@article{fdi:010057101, title = {{M}ercury bioaccumulation patterns in fish from the {I}tenez river basin, {B}olivian {A}mazon}, author = {{P}ouilly, {M}arc and {P}{\'e}rez, {T}. and {R}ejas, {D}. and {G}uzman, {F}. and {C}respo, {G}. and {D}uprey, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {G}uimaraes, {J}. {R}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he bioaccumulation mechanism expresses an increment of mercury concentration along the lifetime of each individual. {I}t is generally investigated along the age or size range of organisms from a same population. {W}ater chemistry and trophic position are important factors that may influence the emergence of bioaccumulation patterns. {I}n order to detect the influence of these parameters on fish mercury bioaccumulation patterns, we explored the relations between mercury concentration, size and isotopic trophic position of fish populations of six species (three non piscivorous and three piscivorous) in three rivers of the {I}tenez basin ({B}olivia) with different sediment load in water and anthropogenic impact. {F}ishes of the {I}tenez basin showed fairly lower mercury contamination in relation to the regional context. {T}hey presented lower total mercury concentrations in unperturbed clear water river (average of 0.051 mu g g(-1) for non piscivores; 0.088 mu g g(-1) for piscivores), intermediate values (average of 0.05 and 0.104 mu g g(-1)) in unperturbed white water river, whereas the highest values (average of 0.062 and 0.194 mu g g(-1)) were found in the perturbed clear water river. {P}iscivore and invertivore species showed significant positive bioaccumulation patterns in the perturbed river and in the unperturbed white water river. {N}o positive pattern was detected in the unperturbed clear water river. {P}ositive patterns could not be attributed to differences in trophic condition and mean fish mercury concentration between populations. {B}ioaccumulation seems not to be the main factor to explain increased mercury concentrations in fish from the perturbed river.}, keywords = {{M}ethyl-mercury ; {A}ccumulation ; {F}ish ; {W}hite water ; {C}lear water ; {A}mazon}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cotoxicology and {E}nvironmental {S}afety}, volume = {83}, numero = {}, pages = {8--15}, ISSN = {0147-6513}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecoenv.2012.05.018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057101}, }