@article{fdi:010057062, title = {{C}ausality analysis of groundwater dynamics based on a {V}ector {A}utoregressive model in the semi-arid basin of {G}undal ({S}outh {I}ndia)}, author = {{M}angiarotti, {S}ylvain and {S}ekhar, {M}. and {B}erthon, {L}. and {J}aveed, {Y}. and {M}azzega, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ausal relationships existing between observed levels of groundwater in a semi-arid sub-basin of the {K}abini {R}iver basin ({K}arnataka state, {I}ndia) are investigated in this study. {A} {V}ector {A}uto {R}egressive model is used for this purpose. {I}ts structure is built on an upstream/downstream interaction network based on observed hydro-physical properties. {E}xogenous climatic forcing is used as an input based on cumulated rainfall departure. {O}ptimal models are obtained thanks to a trial approach and are used as a proxy of the dynamics to derive causal networks. {I}t appears to be an interesting tool for analysing the causal relationships existing inside the basin. {T}he causal network reveals 3 main regions: the {N}ortheastern part of the {G}undal basin is closely coupled to the outlet dynamics. {T}he {N}orthwestern part is mainly controlled by the climatic forcing and only marginally linked to the outlet dynamic. {F}inally, the upper part of the basin plays as a forcing rather than a coupling with the lower part of the basin allowing for a separate analysis of this local behaviour. {T}he analysis also reveals differential time scales at work inside the basin when comparing upstream oriented with downstream oriented causalities. {I}n the upper part of the basin, time delays are close to 2 months in the upward direction and lower than 1 month in the downward direction. {T}hese time scales are likely to be good indicators of the hydraulic response time of the basin which is a parameter usually difficult to estimate practically. {T}his suggests that, at the sub-basin scale, intra-annual time scales would be more relevant scales for analysing or modelling tropical basin dynamics in hard rock (granitic and gneissic) aquifers ubiquitous in south {I}ndia.}, keywords = {{G}roundwater ; {T}ime space analysis ; {C}ausality ; {VAR} model ; {S}emi-arid region ; {INDE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {G}eophysics}, volume = {83}, numero = {}, pages = {1--10}, ISSN = {0926-9851}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jappgeo.2012.04.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057062}, }