@article{fdi:010057053, title = {{S}harpening the understanding of socio-ecological landscapes in participatory land-use planning. {A} case study in {L}ao {PDR}}, author = {{B}ourgoin, {J}{\'e}r{\'e}my}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the two decades since the 1992 {R}io {C}onference, land-use planning ({LUP}) has become recognized as a key instrument in putting discourses on sustainable development into practice. {I}n {L}ao {PDR}, despite the implementation problems, it is still seen as a lever for securing land tenure, rationalizing extension services provision, and more recently, for implementing '{R}educed {E}missions from {D}eforestation and {F}orest {D}egradation' ({REDD}) schemes. {I}mpact assessments of past {LUP} have revealed weaknesses of local institutions in the effective implementation of land policies. {I}n order to avoid the blind trust placed in delusive {LUP} success stories, methods for monitoring community participation and understanding of {LUP} activities have been developed in order to assess the quality of the process. {E}xpanding on this perspective, this article proposes a method to assess the quality of {LUP} outputs and to visualize the gap between planning objectives and their actual achievements. {T}his method, based on a refined analysis of past and present land zoning practices in {L}ao {PDR}, gives full prominence to the complexity of landscape mosaics and the way local populations actually use the land. {F}urthermore, this approach, developed and tested under real planning conditions, can also be seen as a safeguard and support for inexperienced implementers in their land-use planning practices, as a diagnostic instrument for quality assessment, i.e. level of accuracy of a land-use plan, and may finally pave the way toward becoming a tool for land-use planning certification.}, keywords = {{L}and-use planning ; {P}articipatory landscape simulations ; {S}ustainable land management ; {L}ao {PDR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {G}eography}, volume = {34}, numero = {}, pages = {99--110}, ISSN = {0143-6228}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.11.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057053}, }