@article{fdi:010055987, title = {{E}xperimental mixtures of {P}hthorimaea operculella granulovirus isolates provide high biological efficacy on both {P}hthorimaea operculella and {T}ecia solanivora ({L}epidoptera : {G}elechiidae)}, author = {{E}spinel-{C}orreal, {C}. and {L}opez-{F}erber, {M}. and {Z}eddam, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {V}illamizar, {L}. and {G}omez, {J}. and {C}otes, {A}. {M}. and {L}{\'e}ry, {X}avier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {G}uatemalan potato moth {T}ecia solanivora ({P}ovolny) recently invaded part of {S}outh {A}merica, colonizing zones where {P}hthorimaea operculella ({Z}eller), another potato moth species belonging to the same group, was previously established. {T}. solanivora is now the major insect pest of potato in this area encompassing {V}enezuela, {C}olombia and {E}cuador. {P}. operculella granulovirus ({P}hop{GV}) ({B}etabaculovirus) is a bio-control agent to be considered for the simultaneous management of these two potato pests, instead of classical chemical insecticides. {I}n a previous work, five {P}hop{GV} isolates were isolated in {C}olombia from {T}. solanivora and were tested against larvae of the same species showing variable efficacies. {I}nfections with mixtures of different genotypes of {B}aculoviruses had been carried out in a wide range of species and several showed interesting results. {I}n the present study, the effect of sequential passages of {P}hop{GV} in {P}. operculella and {T}. solanivora larvae was analyzed through biological assays. {T}hree different mixtures containing a {P}eruvian {P}hop{GV} isolate ({P}eru) adapted to {P}. operculella and a {C}olombian {P}hop{GV} isolate ({VG}003) adapted to {T}. solanivora were tested. {A} preliminary analysis of the correlation between the genotypic marker egt gene and the level of pathogenicity after a variable number of replication cycles was made. {M}ixtures of virus isolates showed a higher efficacy in both hosts compared to individual {P}hop{GV} isolates. {T}his higher pathogenicity was maintained through passages. {I}n {P}. operculella the mixtures were between 2.8 and 23.6-fold (from 7.15 {OB}/mm(2) to 0.10 {OB}/mm(2)) more pathogenic than isolate {P}eru applied alone. {I}n {T}. solanivora they were between 2.3 and 4.9-fold (from 12.29 {OB}/mm(2) to 1.25 {OB}/mm(2)) more pathogenic than isolate {VG}003 alone. {V}iral biopesticide containing a mixture of selected genotypes active against each hosts seemed suitable for the development of a biopesticide aimed to simultaneously control {P}. operculella and {T}. solanivora.}, keywords = {{P}otato moth ; {B}aculovirus ; {V}irus isolates ; {V}irus mixture ; {S}uccessive passages ; {E}fficacy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {I}nvertebrate {P}athology}, volume = {110}, numero = {3}, pages = {375--381}, ISSN = {0022-2011}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jip.2012.04.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055987}, }