@article{fdi:010055963, title = {{T}he effect of earthworms on carbon storage and soil organic matter composition in tropical soil amended with compost and vermicompost}, author = {{P}huong-{T}hi {N}go and {R}umpel, {C}. and {T}hu-{T}hui {D}oan and {J}ouquet, {P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he use of organic matter ({OM}) amendments is widespread in tropical countries and may be beneficial for soil carbon storage. {I}nteractions between earthworms and {OM} amendments in tropical soils are largely unknown. {T}he aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bioturbation on the quantity and chemical composition of {OM} in soil amended with compost and vermicompost. {O}ur approach included comparison of soil samples amended with compost, vermicompost or chemical fertilizers in the presence or absence of earthworms during a one-year greenhouse experiment. {T}he soils were submitted to a regular cultivation cycle. {A}fter one year, we analysed bulk samples for soil {OM} elemental composition and characterised its lignin and non-cellulosic carbohydrate components. {O}ur results showed a decrease of the carbon and nitrogen content in soil amended with chemical fertilizers. {V}ermicompost amendment led to unchanged {OC} content, whereas the compost amendment increased the soils {OC} content compared to initial soil. {T}he addition of earthworms reduced {OC} and {N} content in soils with organic amendments. {T}his is in contrast to soil amended with mineral fertilizer only, where the presence of earthworms did not have any effect. {B}ioturbation influenced the lignin signature of the soils, and to a lesser extent the non-cellulosic carbohydrate signature. {I}n conclusion, compost amendment combined with bioturbation influenced the quality and quantity of {SOM} and as result carbon storage and its biogeochemical cycling in tropical soils. {I}mplications for soil fertility remain to be elucidated.}, keywords = {{E}arthworms ; {S}oil organic matter ; {C}ompost ; {V}ermicompost ; {T}ropical soil}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil {B}iology and {B}iochemistry}, volume = {50}, numero = {}, pages = {214--220}, ISSN = {0038-0717}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.02.037}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055963}, }