@article{fdi:010055888, title = {{S}ahara transit : times, spaces, people}, author = {{B}redeloup, {S}ylvie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ransit migration is not a completely new phenomenon. {I}n fact the real novelty is that it is perceived or presented as new by international experts. {B}y re-emphasising the transitory nature of migration the term reintroduces an aspect of uncertainty in migration patterns, associating social marginalisation with precarious impermanence and illegality with criminality and transit, in order to provide an argument to eliminate it. {I}n fact it is only a minority of nationals of sub-{S}aharan {A}frican countries who, having crossed the {S}ahara, actually want to continue to {E}urope. {T}he majority are happy to work more permanently in the {M}aghreb while cross border circulation continues on a seasonal basis. {T}o confuse the figure of the trans-{S}aharan migrant with those of the victim stuck on a boat off the coast of {L}ampedusa or trapped in the forests of {B}el {Y}ounes at {C}euta or {M}ariwari, near {M}ellila is to twist reality. {T}here is one certainty, nevertheless, amongst all these approximations: the precarious status of transit migrants has grown as states have cooperated in border control operations and as solidarity between migrants and other migrants or non-migrants, which provides a safety net during migratory movements, has gradually faded. {A}cross the {S}ahara, migrants in transit leave traces, particular changes in places which research must explain before they are totally erased, before both states and migrants themselves contribute for different reasons to their disappearance. {T}he {S}ahara is not only a space that is crossed, it's also a place that is worked on, urbanised by the passage and residence of generations of migrants.}, keywords = {{S}ahara ; transit migration ; space ; place ; urbanisation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}opulation {S}pace and {P}lace}, volume = {18}, numero = {4}, pages = {457--467}, ISSN = {1544-8444}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1002/psp.634}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055888}, }