@article{fdi:010055880, title = {{P}rocesses of 30-90 days sea surface temperature variability in the northern {I}ndian {O}cean during boreal summer}, author = {{V}ialard, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {J}ayakumar, {A}. and {G}nanaseelan, {C}. and {L}engaigne, {M}atthieu and {S}engupta, {D}. and {G}oswami, {B}. {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}uring summer, the northern {I}ndian {O}cean exhibits significant atmospheric intraseasonal variability associated with active and break phases of the monsoon in the 30-90 days band. {I}n this paper, we investigate mechanisms of the {S}ea {S}urface {T}emperature ({SST}) signature of this atmospheric variability, using a combination of observational datasets and {O}cean {G}eneral {C}irculation {M}odel sensitivity experiments. {I}n addition to the previously-reported intraseasonal {SST} signature in the {B}ay of {B}engal, observations show clear {SST} signals in the {A}rabian {S}ea related to the active/break cycle of the monsoon. {A}s the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation moves northward, {SST} variations appear first at the southern tip of {I}ndia (day 0), then in the {S}omali upwelling region (day 10), northern {B}ay of {B}engal (day 19) and finally in the {O}man upwelling region (day 23). {T}he {B}ay of {B}engal and {O}man signals are most clearly associated with the monsoon active/break index, whereas the relationship with signals near {S}omali upwelling and the southern tip of {I}ndia is weaker. {I}n agreement with previous studies, we find that heat flux variations drive most of the intraseasonal {SST} variability in the {B}ay of {B}engal, both in our model (regression coefficient, 0.9, against similar to 0.25 for wind stress) and in observations (0.8 regression coefficient); similar to 60% of the heat flux variation is due do shortwave radiation and similar to 40% due to latent heat flux. {O}n the other hand, both observations and model results indicate a prominent role of dynamical oceanic processes in the {A}rabian {S}ea. {W}ind-stress variations force about 70-100% of {SST} intraseasonal variations in the {A}rabian {S}ea, through modulation of oceanic processes (entrainment, mixing, {E}kman pumping, lateral advection). {O}ur similar to 100 km resolution model suggests that internal oceanic variability (i.e. eddies) contributes substantially to intraseasonal variability at small-scale in the {S}omali upwelling region, but does not contribute to large-scale intraseasonal {SST} variability due to its small spatial scale and random phase relation to the active-break monsoon cycle. {T}he effect of oceanic eddies; however, remains to be explored at a higher spatial resolution.}, keywords = {{N}orthern {I}ndian {O}cean ; {I}ntraseasonal variability ; {A}ir-sea interactions ; {M}onsoon active and break phases ; {H}eat budget}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {38}, numero = {9-10}, pages = {1901--1916}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-011-1015-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055880}, }